i hav a dream that skaters and people will be friends. i hav a dream that we hav a mini ramp. i like the police they help us through hard times thanks gary and neil but i hav a nightmare that every1 will chase after us while yelling "we HATE SK8ERS" i have a dream that that ginger lady stops chasin us lil nay
people get a life buy7 us a ramp if u dont like it send ur money to www.ineedtogetalife.com/buymeaminiramp sighned little nay
why dont u add money to our sk8 park collection if u wanna watch us cum out and cheer us on.
people arent that understanding. aparnt from 1 who came out and gave us choc bars. hi to dat man who woz staring
same here
we are not scary pc plod
wot u try running us over sometimes. soz mary but thats wrong. lil nay
its rubbish every1 dipises us for skateing. why is skate boarding giving such a image. we need more sk8ing trips and the police are arrangin a sk8in thing after school. please do somethig . lil nay