Shouldn't that be bias?
Mr B. Science suggests either after-eights or codeine, or maybe a beige veil, which may make you feint or feisty, depending on your weight and height. But neither should deign your conscience. Remember you are not a deity and you have no sovereign over society. Maybe some foreign neighbour may reign in vein, but, heigh-ho, no heinous heir could feign such weird freight. So forfeit: E before I ...
..because they always have a pint in their right hand...sad hey!
easy are one of them.
I have no idea who pays probably is the business. I thought you would pick up on the food sales on the day. Nobody forces anyone to live here !
If you think for one minute Carnival days and dos on the Lawn are great for business think again.. Paremts say to children 'dont buy in the shops today spend it at the fair or on the stalls! .. I would shut my shop and have a day off on those days. Fund Raising buckets appear in the shop and you are expected to give money ..they don't go banging doors at houses. Anyway is it wrong to make a ...
I have given up nn trying to get a sensible discussion on schools and what they achieve. I did try a route that may work !
No wonder so many good contributors have give up on this board. People just seem unable to be constructive. Why?
Thank you ! My concern is the future adults. I was in a shop last week and overheard a young girl teenager ask ..'have you got like of those like things that go in your hair like ?' .. How many times is the word 'like' said in an average sentence? !! lol .listen out for it.
Seems my post has left everyone lost for words? Surely someone has an opinion on the school or on schools in general. Our future parents in the next 5 years or so can be seen walking down the road this afternoon! ..go see !