paste the link into your browswer, for some reason it does not work in Google browser. Why are Teighbridge collecting monies from non prescribed parking areas and continue to do so? They have been asked that question but as yet no reply. Paste this link into your browser and then check the non prescribed lines, so why are Teignbridge continuing to allow us to fill the cash machines, before some of you jump, that question has been put them but not answered.
Joey, It was quoted in a local newspaper and it stated 'installation costs £35.000'. And you are such an obvious fool to think it is an obsession when all I have tried to say is our money has been wasted on a system that is not fit for purpose, and the pathetically stupid remark about emigration is laughable. Anyway I prefer to read sensible comments not drivel, so enough of the banter with you it ...
Joey, I am staggered by your reply and also that your are not bothered, then why do who criticise people who take the trouble to find out what the Council do with our money, My point with Protheroe was, he brought up that he had a camera not me, and that he didn't know the difference between his camera and the ones he voted to install at enormous cost. With regard to finding out for you from ...
Joey I suggest you email Teignbridge Councillors with that question, email addresses can be found on their web-site Dawlish web cams when first muted were £8.000 then £25.000 and finally £80.000+ so it appears that they are getting more expensive not cheaper. I asked the ex Mayor Prowse at a full DTC Meeting after reading the report. 'Who wil pay for the upgrade of the cameras which cannot see at ...
Joey you say - I personally doubt that a CRB checked ( so was Huntley ) CCTV operator would be so unscrupulous as to zoom - my opinion is the camera should not be in placed in a position where temptation may prove too much. I suggest you get the complete 18 page report it is critical of just about everything to do with the CCTV that cost £80.000 +. for six cameras and Teignmouth are investigating ...
This has been pasted from an 18 page report which is quite damning of the whole system that they spent your and my money on, you can get a a full copy of the report from the Town Hall --------------------------------------------- Physical review of the cameras coverage and capability did reveal some electronic 'privacy' masking concerns Example: Tucks Plot [Holiday Flats & private residents] ...
Dont forget they wasted £80.000 and the costs are ongoing and rising, for CCTV that do not see at night and do not pan automatically even though they record 24 hours a day. That cost cannot have helped regarding the council tax increase
Did you all see the ridiculous comments made by the Mayor in the Dawlish Gazette January 2, She said ' Crime was a huge issue among residents long before I became a councillor six years ago and when we went to the polls we did so saying CCTV was something we wanted to explore' She forgot to mention that the polls from 1.000 people ( 200 were tourists ) only 2-1/2% even mentioned cameras, thats ...
Chipping would be a good idea, I believe we know how they disappeared but cannot prove it.