There are far more important things to worry about in this Country, but as usual something comes along as a smokescreen to take the heat off the Government. Calling Snowdon a hero Im not sure about but glad he became a whistleblower
Shaldon Wildlife Trust would welcome your discarded pumpkins for the animals
Well thats it, sweets all gone nothing but polite happy children in lovely costumes that a lot of thought went into the making of
as you are always so negative wondering I can only assume you have a very sad life
I agree with you BB, I always escorted mine and most of the ones that knock on my door are always with an adult, and Ive never encounted any nasty behaviour
I strongly object to that word beginning with a c
I dont mind them calling up until 8pm and always buy sweets ready for them. After 8 I dont answer the door, its like a tv programme if you dont want to watch turn over
Thats stupid wondering
@Paul ( blinkered )
I dont support the EDL or BNP but they have some valid points that I do agree with, its a pity we cant pick the good bits from every political party and then maybe we might have a gov to control this Country that supports the British Born People