Could it be?? Majenka, Summer Lane, Exeter, Devon
Its true they are friends, as I know them both
Roy I have asked the webmaster to clarify that I only have one name 'User4549', perhaps then it will put and end to your idiotic theory that I use different user names.
Webmaster when I first joined Dawlish Live you gave me the signature user 4549, if you can, would please confirm that is the only name I use, and then perhaps it will stop Roy from speculating every time he sees a new name he thinks its me, it could also be that he cannot accept that other people disagree with his views. Thank you
oops missed the E in one
Roy what a sorry person you are, I already told you I have only on posting name, I have no reason to lie.
These kinds of cases are going on all over the country, I should say similar, once again it shows people in authority just cannot get it right.So who do we blame the legal team who advise councils or the council themselves. My view the legal team, and they should pay the refunds, then perhaps they would put more thought into their advice. The issue centres on Camden's decision in January to put a ...
I agree about being confrontational, You will find from my posts the worst word I have used against FFEL699 is idiot, but when he calls me 'maggot riddled brain, senile and cretin, and wants to meet face to face I offered him the chance, any time anywhere I await his answer. I have only ever pointed out the facts to him which he cannot accept and just shows his anger, which is his right. but I ...
" If you had any idea of my username, you would think twice about your abusive comments..." I have thought twice, and now what Julian?
FEL699i hope 4 your sake that was not a veiled threat? OOOOOOOooooooh Lets meet.