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General Discussion

That's exactly the point Anon! Why people like Deacon can't see it is beyond me.... You also make a point i haven't considered before....that he may be a Landlord of a Pub and doesn't want any negative comments to protect his own interests, while not giving a stuff about other aspects of our town. And your would be very selfish. Anyway, great lunch and exciting Grand Prix. Expect ...

Well if you read this forum Dawlish is full of problems... hardy an advert.

How can you know who he is. And that he has been posting other spammy topics as he is anonymous. not calling himself bob etc.

Yeh teignmouth council is doing more for its populace. But i woudnt go so far to say that its better than dawlish as it is skag capital.

3 Aug 2008

Penny think carefully about a move to Dawlish. Teignmouth has more going for it and you can visit Dawlish in minutes.

looking at other postings it raises my suspicions that you may be a pub landlord who is intent on negating all comments that may affect your business. if this is the case, then this is very selfish. this town is for everyone and i repeat i do not want a drug centre in dawlish, which could endanger my children and the children of others. if you also have children i suggest you pay attention to the ...

3 Aug 2008

of course it hasn't. surely you must have views on it? or are you like this deacon chap who likes to tell everyone of what he thinks of our town yet says very little about the real issues that concern us all and then attacks those that do. how can you discount something when you dont have a viewpoint?

3 Aug 2008

Hasn't this topic already been exhausted.

3 Aug 2008

What would you prefer for the youth of Dawlish?

yum you know all the best places. british dining at its best ;-(