and that has changed!!!! read todays Gazette
according to the report they are not healthy they have a disease!!!
I for one will be glad to see them gone, in todays world they are too obtrusive. I think that reading the article they are going to be replaced with trees of a smaller nature. I know many people will not agree with me but...........................
Todays Gazette The horse chestnut trees are to be felled on the Lawn due to disease
@Andysport , took note of thye cycle path along exeter rd today and guess what its tarmac just like the road!!!
Pity they dont do anything about the parents who cause obstruction in the vicinity of Westcliff School !!!!!!!
and remember if a couple are both over 60 it only gets paid between them
Shop ------ seems you dont know Dawlish that well
Coop had then on sale NYE
Excellent comments!!! Agree stop foreign aid/ immigration / and get out of the EU maybe we would be in a better position then