I look at it this way. Those businesses who want immigration to continue at the level it is now, are really saying, "we can't get enough of our own to subdise our business". Same as "benefits", were would some businesses end up if benefits were to stop? People spend their benefits more often than not in the local community.
Haulage companies are claimig they are 55,000 to 60,000 drivers short and with the drivers they now have ageing, things are set to get worse. I am told that some are commanding £40,000 . So there is plenty of work out there if you want it.
I believe what is being referred to is the application submitted for the new bandstand / cultural pavilion, which included plans for a play park... See this webpage https://www.teignbridge.gov.uk/planning/forms/planning-application-details/?Type=Application&Refval=14/01275/FUL Click Documents relating to this application available here go to page 6, and then click on ...
@ Burneside 1. Not questioning the result of the referendum. Questioning the consequence of the result.. Two entirely different things. 2. Suggest you contact T.May then and tell her to stop the stockpiling and preparations for No Deal. "No deal, if it happens, will be a process – not an event – managed by the EU to their negotiating advantage, just as the article 50 talks have been ...
Breaking from Sky News: The European Commission has proposed that trucks from the UK will be "temporarily allowed" to carry goods into the EU until the end of 2019 under a 'no-deal' Brexit provided that the UK offers equivalent rights to the EU https://twitter.com/SkyNewsBreak/status/1075360562933088256 You can stop the stockpiling, Lynne, by the end of 2019 another "temporary" fix ...
Italy next to leave EU ..its a failed set up. http://sports.williamhill.com/bet/en-gb/betting/e/9537370/Next Country To Leave EU (without United Kingdom).html
It is not that simple for any large company who employ top of the range skilled labour to move. Where ever they might go, will the skills be there to carry on as normal?
It would seem that some people just don't like democracy.
The UK Car Industry . Majop referred to this earlier on in the thread. "if you’re a Japanese or German carmaker in Britain, you can certainly organise the annual shutdown for 29 March and after, because you know things will be getting fairly hairy then. But sooner or later you’re going to have to go back to work and figure out how to make and sell cars with bits missing, because the ...
But the greatest negative impact would be in the UK. Click on this link and look at the graph. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/jul/19/no-deal-brexit-would-harm-all-european-countries-warns-imf