Why is it costing £87 million to build a new set for Eastenders and is it really necessary?
Yes @Lynne , but the people that I am talking about are never paid by the person that has provided the course, no matter how many hours they are on the course. They are still registered as unemployed and only receive their unemployment benefit. If they do not go on a course, they receive no benefit. So they have to go on a course.
and here's some more info re the high employment figures BBC Reality Check asked the Office for National Statistics (ONS) whether working just one hour a week was all that was needed to be officially classified as employed? The ONS confirmed that was the case. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-46264291
Well @1263 the topic started off about TV licences having to be paid by those over 75 and then went on to tell others (as if they already didn't know) what other tory tricks they get up too. I threw my bit in as it is important to know what other tricks they have got up to since they have been in power. When you are unemployed and you register as unemployed, you are not given the unemployment ...
Although the Tories are in the main to blame for tv licences .It must be the the Director General Tony Hall giving out gossly inflated wages to talentless uncharisismatic planks such as Gary ( walkers crisp) lineker OBE. and Alan Shearer, Both whose wages exceed it is alleged 1million pounds per year plus taxis. PS I'll do it for for Half of that. How many world Corespondents does ...
So to get back bang on topic.......... I wonder if any of the Tory leadership/Prime Minister hopefuls will promise to reinstate the free tv licence to the over 75s?
majororp/lynne What has this to do with this topic.??? Majororp- you should start a new topic header not just fire in something completely different to the topic being discussed.
@majorp - well now, there are full time, secure, well paid jobs and then there are part-time, self employed,zero hour, insecure, badly paid jobs. All count as employment. This link throws some light on why the unemployment figure is low https://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/analysis-and-features/uk-unemployment-jobs-figures-brexit-turmoil-honda-nissan-a8798856.html
There is a pdf file published by the government in May of this year part of which refers to the confusion concerning Uk money and China.