Received this morning. Along with a separate supposedly signed-for letter that was not signed for, which I’m going to start a new subject on.
At TDC (Teignbridge District Council) - A South Devon Alliance Song From their You Tube channel; SDA website; "A satirical parody telling the our story so far, condensed into three musical minutes. South Devon Alliance has come a long way, from a campaign group to a political party standing in the ...
haha - I don't disagree with quite a bit of what you write. Except I don't see what you call big government and I call neoliberalism being anything to do with socialism. Our politicians are puppets with billionaire media moguls, multinational corporate interest and the establishment, so old boys networks linked to Harrow, Eton Oxbridge unis, the aristocracy and monarchy as well as foreign ...
You sound like Russell Brand - lol. I don't disagree, but we have this because of big government, which is socialism. Big government facilites the laundering of public funds. Government is a necessary evil and needs to be kept as small as possible. It's the only way it can be kept in check.
@Steve , you misunderstand. Brexit happened because Cameron made the EU referendum a manifesto promise that for once the Tories couldn't break for fear of Farage and the then UKIP. That's how it came about, because the Tories moved to the right. I wasn't questioning the actual vote. I hope that clarifies it. And indeed Corbyn and McDonald were critical of the EU project, which they saw as ...
There are a few right-leaning politicians but most are left-leaning, and most support big government, the nanny state, the green agenda, deficit spending, etc. Brexit happened because the majority voted for it. Brexiteers were across the political spectrum. Labour has a eurosceptic heritage. I don't believe any are the good guys. I believe policies are either good or bad.
@Steve Braverman is not left of centre, neither is Truss, Rees Mogg, Johnson, Sunak - Brexit happened because the Tories shifted even further to the right. The Cons have never been left of centre. Lib Dem policies are clearly right of centre, plus they went into coalition with the Tories in 2010 - 2015 which is hardly a leftist move. Anything leftist in Labour was purged after Corbyn was kicked ...
The main parties are all left of centre. They all subscribe to left-wing policies to varying degrees. I'm not defining normal or good just saying those on the left believe they are the good guys.
@Steve Whether there are a lot of people politically on the left or not in the UK, all the national parties are on a continuum from centre-right to far-right, so any left leaning people are not represented anyhow and therefore pose no threat to the status quo when it comes to the ballot box. How do you define 'normal and good people'?
OK, thanks @Daverc . I will call them tomorrow unless it arrives in the meantime.