15 day and 5 trips to the Barton surgery/Lloyd's pharmacy and I have at last got the blood pressure medication that I should have got 15 days ago. Although my blood pressure has taken a beating this last 15 days without medication. Certainly not looking forward to next months repeat prescription challenge.
Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union? with the responses to the question to be (to be marked with a single (X)): Remain a member of the European Union Leave the European Union Answer = LEAVE Three years ago. As you can clearly see there is nothing about a treaty (referred to as deal) in the question, so we ...
@scapegoat Are you Tom Watson in disguise ?
Is it just me or is Scapegoat sounding a bit like someone who use to be on this site a while ago?
Hmmm that sounds suspiciously like life under a Tory or centrist Labour government Care to join the dots or live in your biased world forever? Red or blue pill? lol
Vicks, it's the millionaire Tories that have created the loopholes. Why do you think they are all so desperate to leave the EU? It's because of the new tax laws that are closing these loopholes. The UK and it's territories are the greatest enablers of tax avoidance in the world!!
Regarding the photo... The Guildford 4s convictions were quashed because they were innocent, or did you forget that small fact. Even The Sun had to admit that, albeit buried deep in a very small article like they always do when they are caught lying and have to apologise
The labour MP you are talking about is John Mann who has done everything he can to undermine the Labour party since Corbyn became leader. The FACT is if you look at cold hard stats, antisemetism in the Labour party is 0.06% which is lower than both in the UK and in the Tory party. But don't let cold hard stats get in the way. Additionally the stats also tell us that the rate of antisemetism in the ...
@ scapegoat. Anti- semetism - Weekend update : Labour MP in charge of the all- party investigation resigns after saying corybn has questions to answer. IRA Apalogist - see picture of corybn at one of the guildford 4 wedding FACTS.......................