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General Discussion

Syrian refugees
10 Sep 2015

And indeed they do live by our rules and laws - as they ended up at the Old Bailey and were given custodial sentences.

Re the location of the SANGS . (my emphasis in bold) (Spa = Special Protection Area; Sac = Special Area of Conservation). The Exe Estuary is a SPA, Dawlish Warren is a SAC. 6.12 Such alternative sites are as yet untested, but guidelines and recommendations for site design are available (Liley, Mallord, & Lobley 2006; Liley et al. 2009). The issues are however complex. With ...

Okay - for anyone who is interested, my conclusion as to why the toilets at Dawlish Warren outer car park were closed this year is because that was what TDC Executive Committee decided would happen back in 2013. That decision was never altered so when the toilets closed in October 2014 they closed forever. Subsequent to that 2013 TDC decision there were discussions with Dawlish Town ...

Syrian refugees
10 Sep 2015

Well, whether N.I or Glasgow - hatred and violence based on religious divides? (and aren't Catholics still specifically barred from inheriting the British throne? Not an example of hatred, I know, although it probably was when it was introduced.)

9 Sep 2015

Virulant according to my dictionary's definition = highly poisonous or malignant; venomous; acrimonious. N.Ireland? Protestants vs Catholics.

9 Sep 2015

Religious intolerance not pertinent to the UK in the 21st century? What about Northern Ireland then? What about Islamophobia then? What I was trying to get at, to tease out if you will, is what is it exactly (or are if in the plural) the reason(s) that some are so seemingly anti the UK taking numbers of these refugees to these shores. So I asked a hypothetical question (I did use ...

9 Sep 2015

Well, there is a history of Christian intolerance towards dissenters. And it seems the Puritanical Pilgrim Fathers of North America had a bit of a problem as well. the ...

8 Sep 2015

A question: would those who feel so antogonistic towards the Syrian refugees still feel that way if these refugees were Christians/had a Christian background and were fleeing a particularly virulent form of Christianity?

8 Sep 2015

Is the goverment proposing refugee camps in this country?

"The composting service offered by Go Green Devon can be ordered online or by phone to arrange a collection the following week.  (A call or online request on a Saturday can arrange a collection for that week.)  The collection day for Dawlish is Monday. Go Green Devon will collect from the garden or door-step, which can be arranged when booking the collection. People wishing to have ...