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General Discussion

Keith Sharp
11 Aug 2008

He didn't stay over there for very long did he? The grass obviously isn't any greener on the other side. That is, of course, if he really did carry out his threat (promise) to emigrate. I think it was nothing but an idle threat, but at least the residents of Dawlish have got rid of the legend in his own lunchtime has-been. I bet the residents of Chatsworth Road in Torquay were delighted (not) ...

11 Aug 2008

I thought he'd emigrated to Argentina? I could have sworn I saw him the other day at the Carnival.

Deacon is either too busy to post due to roundtable/rotary carnival biz or is posting as anon. Either way, this forum is very quiet without his multiple postings under many different names.

Roy or Viaduct did not say such a thing. You just want to discredit them because they criticise things you support or stand for. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a post from Mr Deacon. Now there IS someone who should be ostracised.

Some things and some people (person) never change.

look at ronaldo horrible tan

Why doesn't our Council or local Newspapers supply us all with this information? Disgraceful.

Anyone who laughs at cancer is scum of the earth.

11 Aug 2008

Heaven knows how much 2012 is going to cost us!

World War Three?
11 Aug 2008

do we care about the people? or is it more to do with the gas and oil pipelines that run through georgia?

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