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General Discussion

Labour Manifesto 2024
10 Aug 2024

@1263 , Asylum support scheme. It's how government schemes work. Take money off one group and give it to another group, whilst pocketing a bit for yourself and your mates.

@burneside , I agree. Without freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and the freedom to love and hate whom we choose, the country will decline even further. Ironically, such oppressive laws are divisive and foster hatred. The best way to combat racism is through open dialogue.

8 Aug 2024

This is fascism.

They are claiming they are the victims. Airport CCTV suggested otherwise. Some other mobile footage here. It's normally best to cooperate with armed police at an airport for obvious ...

The "good guys" label everyone they disagree with as racists and fascists, which are clearly insults, and now they are cheering on their murder. It will be interesting to see if Ricky Jones gets off lightly given he's one of the good guys. Personally, I don't think speech should ...

8 Aug 2024

When the so-called good guys struggle to abide by these idiotic laws then maybe it's time to repeal them and let the police go back to policing actual crime.

Poll from YouGov shows most people believe the immigration policy is part of the cause of recent protests. Who do different voters see as responsible for the riots? From what you have seen and heard, how much responsibility, if any, do you consider each of the following to bear for causing the unrest at recent protests in England? % 5 - 6 August 2024 ...

6 Aug 2024

Refugees don't need jobs.

@Carer , it makes no difference what party is in power.

4 Aug 2024

@Carer , the one that is £3tr in debt.