Hello ello ello
Hi b.o.liking if you remember when he was canvassing for votes he offered the position of assistant to a Police Governor (I think that was his title) who used the police computer to try to get more votes for him.
Nigel Rabbitts, chairman of Devon and Cornwall Police Federation, said: ‘In times of austerity this is not an appropriate expenditure. Mr Hogg knew he would need to spend a lot of time in Exeter when he took the job.’ He added: ‘There is police accommodation at the constabulary’s HQ in Exeter. I have to use that when I need to stay overnight and so do other officers. It’s good, en suite ...
Tony Hogg Devon & Cornwall Police Commissioner (£85.000 per year) who has two homes now claims £650 per month from public funds for accommodation to make his drive to work shorter, even though he could stay at HQ for free. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2351621/85-000-year-police-tsar-homes-claims-650-month-live-near-office-stay-HQ-free.html
It is now finished and in use
We have been waiting nearly two years for the bridge to be renewed after being closed for that length of time. Workers arrived about 10 days ago and built the foundations on either side, to await the bridge, yesterday the team arrived and found that plans drawn up by the architect were different for each stage, consequently the bridge builders had to dig up the foundations and relay them to fit ...
Whoopee the road is now open as per normal, traffic lights removed. and about bl......... time
I wonder what will now happen to the Pay & Display machines they (DCC) purchased two years ago for £250.000
for those of you unhappy with OFSTED get in touch with Dawlish Councillor Margaret Swift who is a member of OFSTED
Four workmen working at the top of the wall today