22/01923/OUT | Outline application for a exceptions site with 4 First Homes (approval sought for access and scale) | Land Adjacent To Sutton Close Dawlish Devon EX7 0DS Web Link: https://publicaccess.teignbridge.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?active
See page 7 latest issue of Dawlish Gazette.
Oh and........even if the link road were to be completely in situ linking the Gatehouse end with the Sainsbury's roundabout end I understand that construction traffic would not be compelled to use it. Ergo lots of construction traffic could still be using the Elm Grove area when Gatehouse Farm and Secmaton Farm get developed.
Ellen is now at The Manor House every Thursday morning. So if you have any news and views that you'd like to share with her do please pop in and have a chat.
Saw some Dawlish faces at the Exeter march and rally yesterday. Go Dawlish!
I've been told that this is known as a 'speculative development'. It's a way of being able to build on land that hasn't been identified for development (see my first post above). Interesting read here from the Campaign For The Protection of Rural England (CPRE) concerning this issue. https://www.cpre.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/LandZpromotersZbriefingZ2018.pdf Here's an ...
Just imagine all those nurses and doctors, for example, who are presently stuck at home making dinners and the such like when they could be back working in the NHS if we only had but decent child care provision in this country.
March of the Mummies - Exeter - Saturday 29th October 10.30 am - meet up outside John Lewis 11.00am - march from John Lewis to Devon County Council offices 12 noon (ish) - rally at County Hall 1.00pm - finish
And equally as curious is the fact that...........@Teignpot posted on this thread and now that post has disappeared.
The lead story in this week's Dawlish Gazette concerns a proposed development at Hensford (presumably land presently forming Hensford Farm) of some 1,200 homes, a primary school, workplaces, shops, hospitality facilities. I have to guess at the exact location as no map is shown. The Gazette associates this development with the next Teignbridge Local Plan (which takes us up to 2040) - and then, ...