Info here about playpark funding and deadlines.,%20councillors%20warned§ionIs=news&searchyear=2018
Makes a change from the usual c*@p that comes out of Bogroll Boris.
They will only do something if they think it will help them electorally. The Tories are the home owner party. Well, if there are fewer home owners and more renters....... It was way back in the 80s with Thatcher's Right to Buy policy when all this started off. "Let the private sector take up the demand" was their philosophy. (Tory policy always is: private sector = good. public sector = ...
Just checked and unless I need to go to Specsavers the email addresses above are as shown on the town council website. But they are new ones. Perhaps not working yet? Try these: Cllr Wrigley Cllr Nickless Cllr Foden Cllr Goodman-bradbury Cllr Mawhood ...
Cars always parked there throughout the day whenever I go past and evenings as well during this time of year.
Yes, and all courtesy of environmental legislation originating from the EU.
@Brooklynbridge (and others) - elections to Dawlish town council and Teignbridge district council are due to take place next May. Why not, nearer the time, ask the candidates where they stand on the issue of 1. Should there be a playpark on the lawn at all and 2. If so, where should it be located Ask questions and get answers in writing . It is remarkable what short memories and ...
Yes it was 2016 not 2014. Getting old - time merges. I have found this thread and there are two others as well. I think that back in 2014 the question posed was along the lines of Do you want a playpark on the lawn? As the majority of those who responded said yes (I don't know the figures in favour) then that was why in 2016 when a ...
Having a playpark on the lawn - a potted history Okay, so........back in 2014 (I think it was) there was a public consultation about whether or not there should be a playpark on the lawn. Not sure if there was anything online but definitely there was a public consultation event in the town somewhere. Both Linda Petherick and Margaret Swift were town councillors at the time so perhaps they ...
There is some S106 money via the Sainsbury's development, as well I believe. That is time limited and must be spent by next year/year after? I believe the GWR money also has a similar time by when it must be spent. Would look it all up but it is such a gorgeous evening that I am now going out into the garden. If someone from the working group should read this and know the exact ...