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General Discussion

Sandy Lane
1 Feb 2016

Think somebody informed them it was a bad idea whilst the roadworks were ongoing along Exeter  Road, re school traffic and school buses it was dangerous and gridlocked this morning!!!!

1 Feb 2016

Patience might be a virtue, but Im afraid Ive lost that today

29 Jan 2016

seems everybody else had the same idea...... so many near misses avoiding Exeter Road today

Some people were ticketed back a while ago on one of the PCSO and TEO really rare visits.DCC also put a yellow sign no stopping

23 Jan 2016

@Carer as ive been told on several occasions " i do work you know" and i would be late if i didnt drive them to school. the problem has got worse since the school bus was withdrawn

23 Jan 2016

at 3.20 yesterday outside Westcliff it was horrendous, parking on zig zags taxis parked out in road how there wasnt an accident god only knows double parking all along the lower stretch of the road causing obstructions to the junction of 1st Avenue and Oak Hill .

22 Jan 2016

Until its enforced it will keep happening

What a disgusting mess !!! The streets are just as bad at the moment all the rubbish being blown out of the recycling boxes, since its changed its become a major issue

I think somebody needs to get a life !!!

BEE9 I have been a good social tenat for many years worked hard and paid my rent, kept the property in good order, never been in arrears, never been in a position to "better myself" and buy, so why is that wrong ???? Surely Social Housing is meant for people like myself so why do you label them temporary homes????? The problem lies with those that did better themselves and excersised their Right ...

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