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General Discussion

Lady's Mile
21 May 2008

A combination of supermarket power and peoples greed will see the warren turn in to a big shopping estate. Still, you couldn't make it any tackier than it already is.

I also agree. There appears to be a number of people on this site who dislike comments made about local councillors. What are they afraid of? Perhaps they are concerned that the truth will out. Such as the truism that one of our, present serving, local councillors, attempted to claim the cost of a holiday in exotic climes through council expenses.....with the ruse that he/she was visiting this ...

21 May 2008

Hi, Yes there are some good car boot sales around Dawlish. Newton Abbot race course have 2 a month check this will give you date for the year really nice boot sale. Also Exeter cattle market every Sunday but get ther early ie 6.00am good but not my personal favourite. Saturday morninig at Starcross not bad and usually Sunday from end of May on the Warren road just ...

20 May 2008

You will get more on Ebay, no pitch to pay for and the rain ..most of all and no bartering.

Lady's Mile
20 May 2008

He should blame South West water not the council or the Enviromental Agency who are begging DEFFRA for more money. He will be insured

I must stick up for Viaduct, as he is only speaking the truth. Why are you so reticent to take on board such facts? Is it perchance that you also have your snout in the trough? I once asked W. Protheroe to look into the problems with my local play area. He said he was busy but he would be in touch. I never heard from him. Oh and by the way, the day he said he was busy, he was wining and dining ...

20 May 2008

Viaduct you really seem to have a problem from all the posts I see on here. Have you considered moving abroad?

We certainly don't need the new numpty! This Ronnie Corbett lookalike (except not funny), pathetically sitting on a kiddies slide, seems to enjoy having his picture in every local paper. Why doesn't he cut out the middleman and just put up wanted posters around the town instead?!Along with the pictures of the supercilious ex mayoress.

It always goes back to the parents and their lack of parenting skills. Most of these parents are out in the pubs of Dawlish with their offspring getting plastered together. No more role-models, just proof of the dumbing down/celebrity type pit we are spiraling into.

the youth of today
19 May 2008

Maybe if it's a down market, token holiday from the Sun newspaper, but certainly not peak season! It's way more expensive in this country.....not to mention cheap and tacky! Also the local pubs and restaurants seem to take great pride in ripping off the tourists with ludicrous prices for a junk food menu. Not sure what holidays you prefer, but Hi De Hi and X Factor type entertainment is something ...