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General Discussion

LOL! Not really an advert as such, but I also quite like the BBC's "Monkey"-type Olympics trails, as a change from slo-mo silhouettes with torches; but the caterwauling Chinese chanteuse will become an irritant if she is kept on throughout the Game!!

Last dinner party I did was: No starters, but crostini with drinks. 2 different toppings, Tuscan chicken liver and pea and parmesan. Main - polpettine (Italian pork, lemon and parmesan meatbally things), potatoes cooked in stock in the oven and a broad bean, french bean and courgette salad. Pudding - custard tart and/or lemon tart. Yummy, just typing that out makes me feel v. hungry! Let us ...

Lasagne Recipe
4 Aug 2008

Thanks for that mate, I'll give it a whirl. Will go nicely with a Pinot Grigio, I suspect.

Growing Your Own
4 Aug 2008

King Edwards are perfect for growing buckets! Good call. I'm a bit disappointed in my red onions this year, I don't know what I've done wrong. Any ideas on what I should do to improve the size of them for next year?

Ah-ha! Good one! Obviously, in this trade there are all sorts of collectibles. We've got loads of beer pump handle signs stashed somewhere round the back. Must dig them out - might be worth a few bob on ebay to someone who will cherish them.

Thanks for that advice Sunny A. I see that Anon is using it left, right and centre on here!

4 Aug 2008

Can anyone advise me of the keyboard shortcut to copy and paste fom one document to another on my computer? Someone out there must know, I'm sure!

Favourite Walk
4 Aug 2008

Who can beat a walk along the Dawlish front on a beautiful sunny day? However my favourite walk is around Lake Windermere, whatever the weather! What about you?

The new football season is almost upon us - who do you reckon will win the four divisions? Premier - Chelsea Championship - Birmingham League 1 - Leicester League 2 - Lincoln What are your predictions?

I'm thinking of buying my mother a solar powered water feature for her garden, but are they any good? I don't want to be spending our money on something that only works when its had 12 hours of continuous sunshine. Oh, and has anybody used one of these solar-on-demand things which work by storing up solar power in a main battery unit?