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Teignbridge Against Climate Alarmism

The Climate Crisis Explained


The climate crisis is a political movement that was exposed during the climategate scandal.

The phrase "climate change" has been orwellified by climate alarmists to mean the same thing as the climate crisis. Everyone knows the climate changes. The heating and cooling of the climate over millennia and much longer has been known about and studied for over a century now. 


The Climate Crisis is Not Science.

Despite decades of models and their predictions being wrong, climate alarmists want you to "trust the science" because of a "scientific consensus". Even if there was consensus, which is highly unlikely, it still wouldn't mean there was a crisis because science is underpinned by scepticism and falsifiability and not consensus. Science doesn't concern itself with crises. It couldn't care less if you jumped off a 20 story building. It can provide an explanation of the physics involved if you do, and that is it. You may have a good reason for jumping. Science doesn't care either way.


The Climate Crisis is Ideology.

Anyone sceptical of the alarmists' claims gets the Spanish Inquisition treatment for heresy and labelled a denier or denialist and other derogatory names, which is how you know the movement is about ideology and not science. To believe the so-called science is to believe the end is nigh, typical of many cults and religions. According to the climate change cult, we only have a small number of years to save the planet, yet this has been their mantra for decades.




“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” — George Orwell


Why the Climate Crisis Can Never be Solved

If a capitalist discovered a new abundant source of "clean" energy that could "solve" the "climate crisis", would climate alarmists want it if it meant the capitalist, or a few capitalists, becoming extremely wealthy resulting in an increase in inequality in the world?

The answer is no, they wouldn't. They wouldn't want it because the crisis is not really about the climate. Climate crisis is a front for collectivist ideology, and is why climate alarmists claim you can't solve the crisis without solving inequality. Ironically, they support the very institutions that exacerbate inequality, such as governments and central banks, and also support economic models, such as socialism and communism, which create the most extreme inequality not far off slavery.

Therefore, it is impossible to solve the climate crisis because it isn't really about the climate.


Climate Alarmists are Climate Change Denialists by Their Own Definition.

Climate change denial is also global warming denial according to climate alarmists. Yet global warmists are, by definition, global coolist denialists. And since global cooling is also climate change, they are climate change denialists.

climate change denial

This is another reason the climate crisis is ideology and not science. Science doesn't entertain contradictions unlike ideologies. In fact, a contradiction often disproves a scientific theory. Hence the climate crisis is not science.