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General Discussion

I remember playing on the beach when there were none of those ugly sloping sea walls. Eeeee it was nicer then.

That must be the all-time most inappropriate use of a cliche! Before long, any 65+ male living in Dawlish is dressed in drag and walking alongside the carnival shaking a bucket of copper coins. Dawlish - hub of elderly transvestites and transexuals.

Good Old days
29 Jan 2006

Haven't you gone to Exeter yet? Whats the problem, property not shifting in Old Towm Street? There was a nice house for sale in Marine Parade - GBP 250,000. It was in that agent at the beginning of the High Street. (Can someone go and check if its still available pls) Is anyone writing letters about dustbins to the Gazette this week?

My instincts tell me, that is a lot. Dawlish is really nice, but come on. The developer is taking all the profit upside off the table, and more besides. People buying must have balls of granite.

15 Sep 2005

Sitting here in the topical monsoon, thousands of miles from Dawlish. I am reading in last saturdays Telegraphm, and see the headline captioned above. So, its my usual complaint. These prices are crazy. I was in Monte Carlo 5 years ago, and flats were that price there.

Discussion forum
30 Aug 2005

I like to re-read all the messages again and again and again. Especially the funny ones. Eg mine. So all those 'views' are just me going down Memory Lane.

I'd say it was Lee Cliff Park, Dawlish Warren. The place I spent my first days of life. (Up to age 9 1/2)

12 Jul 2005

That was what the letter said. Haven't you noticed the number of Wookies wandering around Somerfield lately, carrying shopping baskets

9 Jul 2005

My Mother, the Dowager Empress, had kept the newspaper letter to show me, as she has a bee in her bonnet about the new complicated procedure. As soon as she showed it to me I laughed and said 'I know EXACTLY who has written that.' don't get to be Emperor of the Universe, or a Sith Lord, without mystic ESP powers.

live eight
4 Jul 2005

Thay could have had a Live 8 in Dawlish bandstand, with that guy who held the World Record for playing instruments (unless he's dead), ...and possibly Dawlish Operatic Company singing the Mikado. Has an African person ever been to Dawlish?

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