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Emperor Solarzoom IV

Emperor Solarzoom IV's Posts

I have got a hundred large brown paper sacks for my Dawlish Mom, as I think her having to wrap up rotten maggoty food waste in the Daily Telegraph is undignified at her age. Are brown paper sacks ok for the binmen? There's no staples in them.

Problem is traversing the Lawn laterally from one pub to another. The number of people i've seen wizzing in the Brook and shatting on the bowling green.....

4 Feb 2008

Given the lack of bands, demolition might be more apt. Still it does give people something to wee against in the never-ending journey from one side of the lawn to another.

Land for Housing
30 Dec 2007

I part-own a plot close to Haldon Terrace. The residents there are unwilling to permit a modest development in the normal way, so it might be ideal for the council to acquire it to build flats for the homeless. I will get in touch with Mr Robinson.

29 Dec 2007

I have some land in Dawlish that i'd be prepared to let homeless people live on. Who do we contact at the Council?

Sandy Lane
5 Dec 2007

I got hit by a car outsie the football club in 1974 and spent 10 weeks in hospital. But it was my fault, and the fact that kids run into the road is no reason to pedestianise the world.

5 Dec 2007

`Tesco will put prices up aftr they kill the competition.` You simply made that up, because you have no serious and authentic arguments to support your Luddite rant.

Of course Tesco pays local rates ! It also employs young people for whom there are precious few jobs. As for the dribble that the original poster comes up about how polluting it is to drive to the supermarket - what unmitigated nonsense. Its a free country, and the OP is the authoritarian that he/she professes to be against. If he feels so strongly about consumerism, let him/her go and live in ...

Tesco does not put up prices when local shoppers , migrate to Tesco and put any erstwhile local profiteers out of business. Stop spreading such untruthful propaganda! What you don't know you simply make up ! Its a free country and they should be allowed to participate in the market.

Let them come. It means jobs for Dawlish people, more economic activity and price competition with the other local food shops. Food prices are rocketing now. Tesco is able to dictate tight terms to suppliers.