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General Discussion

Sandy Lane

22 Nov 2007 14:44

You may have heard about the fight we have trying to protect Sandy Lane. Please feel free to visit: and leave postings/messages there too!
Thanks DADS (Dawlish Against Developing Sandy Lane)

03 Dec 2007 11:12

I and everyone I have spoken to about the proposed Tesco shop is in favor of the development. This Tesco project will greatly benefit the football club with a new stadium (which they need for promotion). We will not lose the leisure centre as some scaremongers have rumoured. Most importantly we will have at last a shop with FAIR PRICED PRODUCTS.

Mr Jones
Mr Jones
03 Dec 2007 12:16

how can you say that the football club needs the new stadium in order to gain promotion. Dawlish is not a footballing town and will never get enough people interested to fill a new stadium. Why do you think that exeter and torquay have had an endless struggle over the years just to survive?
Keep everything small and Dawlish will be a much nicer place. If you really want a Tescos and all the baggage that goes with it then why not just move to a place that already has one.

03 Dec 2007 12:35

We all want low prices. Tesco will be open for more hours of the day than coop. Costcutters is open longer but is very expensive. A Tesco in Dawlish is long overdue.

03 Dec 2007 13:32

Is far easier to do the Tesco shop online, they are a;ways offering a £5 off voucher so delivery is free, you then dont have to endure the grumpy people in the queues and you dont get tempted to buy what you dont need. You can then carry on working and the order is delivered to the door.
If Tesco arrives, maybe Costcutter and Coop will close, guess that will make people happy.
The newsagent/store in Town Street has just closed.
Barclays Bank and HSBC left, why? .. could they see the future.

03 Dec 2007 15:35

Do we know the true percentage of people against Tesco's coming to sandy lane.
A lot of people i have spoken to were in favour and a lot didn't seem bothered either way.
Perhaps we need a true reading from both sides of the arguement.

04 Dec 2007 01:26

All these people that are part of DADS are not prepared to listen to or accept ANY other views. YOU ARE NOT SPEAKING FOR ALL OF - THERE WAS ONLY ABOUT 6 OF YOU IN THAT PHOTO ON THE PLAYING FIELDS AND IT LOOKED LIKED HALF OF THEM HAD BEEN ROPED INTO IT. Stop trying to make out that you represent ALL of Dawlish, believe me, I have spoke to quite a few people who are all for it. Perhaps the problem is they haven't lived in Dawlish all their lives and don't mind a bit of change?

DADS - you're getting right on my nerves

concerned parent
concerned parent
04 Dec 2007 09:04

Please can someone tell me why having a supermarket of whatever size and whatever brand located in the leisure and recreational area that is Sandy Lane is thought to be okay.

04 Dec 2007 10:28

The town is already too busy with cars on the strand, building a Tesco at Sandy Lane will easy this problem as we will all go to Tesco for the better deals. Sandy Lane still being within walking distance of the town.

04 Dec 2007 12:00

Once Tesco has killed off everyone they are frre to charge what they like and will .. you can then forget the DEALS. Strange how people buy veg in supermarkets for convenience and know they pay over the odds but still do it. . Rest assured all superduppatores are after your money and will place as much as they can to tempt you as you walk round. A nice big trolley will be supplied that must be filled to the top!
007 I for one would not walk from the Strand to Sandy Lane for a loaf of bread.

04 Dec 2007 12:09

Anyone wanting Tesco's or any supermarket at sandy lane will need to attend the Tesco public consultation at the Langstone cliff hotel this friday 12noon-7pm or saturday 10am-4pm.
The majority of people who will attend without a doubt will supporters of DADS.

Concerned Mum
Concerned Mum
04 Dec 2007 19:18

So....if we all go to Sandy Lane "for the better deals" then the number of cars in the Sandy Lane area will increase surely. What about the safety of our children who will be using the skate park and youth centre and those who walk to school across Sandy Lane?

And...... all those who do go along to the Tesco consultation and express their wish for a supermarket at Sandy Lane will be wasting their time cos......... THE LAND AIN'T FOR SALE and TDC has to give its agreement for the leased part to be used for anything other than football which I understand it won't be giving. End of.

04 Dec 2007 19:49

So why are Tesco bothering then? If you want a Tesco then you MUST go along and let them know that most of us want a Tesco.

04 Dec 2007 20:43

er .. there is more to life than TESCO you know lol.

05 Dec 2007 00:46

the football club have all ready sold the land to tesco.. good luck in stopping tesco!

05 Dec 2007 07:22

The football club have NOT sold the land to Tesco. The land (all of it) belongs to Teignbridge District council. The football club have sold an option on their lease to Tesco. That is not the same thing. The lease says that for the football ground to be used for anything other than football TDC must give its approval as the landowner. Ergo - if the land is not for sale - Tesco can't buy it. If approval to change the lease is not given - Tesco can't build.

Emperor Solarzoom IV
Emperor Solarzoom IV
05 Dec 2007 14:26

`Tesco will put prices up aftr they kill the competition.`

You simply made that up, because you have no serious and authentic arguments to support your Luddite rant.

Emperor Solarzoom IV
Emperor Solarzoom IV
05 Dec 2007 14:30

I got hit by a car outsie the football club in 1974 and spent 10 weeks in hospital.

But it was my fault, and the fact that kids run into the road is no reason to pedestianise the world.

Listed below are the names of people who have
stated that they are opposed to any supermarket
in Dawlish!
L Francis
V Pike
R Cornelius
R Capener
W Leaman
D Say
C Cracknell
J Cracknell
D Wells

06 Dec 2007 12:48

Don't quite understand why you've published that list of names Open Daw. Are you naming and shaming (because they are against a supermarket) or openly proclaiming (that they are against a supermarket)?

Very Confused
Very Confused
06 Dec 2007 13:34

And I would hardly say that they were in the majority... I'm pretty sure there's a lot more than seven people in Dawlish.

www sandylane btik com
www sandylane btik com
06 Dec 2007 14:52

Saw your list of those opposed to a supermarket it in Dawlish. Well Done! Can I cordially invite these peopel to come and have a look at
You'll be most welcome!

09 Dec 2007 10:48

I am not sure who all these people are that want a tesco in Dawlish...I haven't met one yet!! This is a totally unecessary development duplicating facilities that are already in the town. If Tesco really want to provide a service for Dawlish give us free delivery from the Newton Abbot store and leave our leisure facitilites alone!

09 Dec 2007 14:38

Nikki .. I order online once a month, once you have had a delivery they regularly email and offer you a £5 off when you spend £50 or more. The delivery charge is £3.99 if you select a daytime slot.
I think its easier online as so many people round the stores and I only buy online what I need so less spend.
Am sure one day people will wonder why people wanted big stores when you can shop at home.

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