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General Discussion

Extortionate bus fares charged by Stagecoach

Ripped off
Ripped off
03 Jul 2008 19:09

£4.55 it cost me today to travel return from Marine Garage Dawlish to Teignmouth.

Day light robbery

03 Jul 2008 20:39

I make that the same as running a car at 50p a mile plus parking charges. Next time buy a £6 all day ticket and go anywhere to Lyme Regis east, Plymouth south or Barnstaple west.

03 Jul 2008 20:42

Try using the train

03 Jul 2008 21:16

Cheaper by push bike!

Ripped off
Ripped off
04 Jul 2008 07:41

I usually travel by train - just feeling a bit tired so I didn't have the wherewithall to walk to/from station to/from where I live.

Push bike? - No longer fit enough to cope with the hills I'm afraid.

£6.00 bus ticket? Yes I agree, if I wanted to travel around the county for the day it would be extremely good value. But I didn't did I? All I wanted to do was travel a reasonably short distance. And I got charged £4.55 for the privilege of doing so.

How on earth can people be encouraged to leave their cars at home and travel by bus if the fares, for short distances, are so expensive? And yes I know that doesn't apply to the 60+ age range.

04 Jul 2008 10:33

Someone brave could buy a new bus at £225,000 and run in front of Stagecoach, it is how they started) and charge no fares!

04 Jul 2008 16:28

And that is exactly what happens in other businesses, kill of the opposition and then you have no choice.
When Stokes arrived, did they not do just that, and now what have we got? 3rd class rubbish at 1st class prices.
Stagecoach can charge what they like and they do. There will only be a subsidy from those greedy private enterprises (tories encourage them) when local authorities get involved, as they do with the over 60's.
You will never see them reduce their profit margins to help the poor, they just pile on the agony.

04 Jul 2008 16:50

Anyone is free to buy some buses and start a new bus service up ..just register it, you do have to comply with EU rules on type of vehicles.

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