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General Discussion


27 Jun 2008 18:17

Have any of you seen Mugabe on the news recently, wearing his chain of office? It looks strikingly similar to the mayoral chain. Does this point to other corruption, information suppression, land-grabbing, PR overload and money laundering? And let's not even mention moustaches.....

Ben Hur
Ben Hur
27 Jun 2008 18:53

And a mouthful of teeth.
Is that why the call him Wally the teeth Protheroe?

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
27 Jun 2008 19:51

Reminds me of our good old Labour party.Then again it could be the Conservatives or Liberals.

27 Jun 2008 19:54

Yep, they're all the bloody same! Middle politics creates middle society. Bland bland bland!

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
27 Jun 2008 20:44

Thanks for agreeing with me Viaduct. I love you i do.

27 Jun 2008 22:06

I wonder who won the vote in Zimbabwe? What do you mean a walkover?! Mugabe must have been taking a leaf out of Dawlish Clown Councils book.....with their 'let's all pretend to discuss matters and allow democrat votes', but the reality, like Mugabe's regime is, it's a closed shop. How do our councillors sleep at night....knowing their principles are secondary to personal greed?

Don tJoke
Don tJoke
28 Jun 2008 20:41

poles apart actually!

28 Jun 2008 21:50

Don't think so. Especially when councillors have to fall in line or risk being ostracised. Sound familiar?

Don tJoke
Don tJoke
30 Jun 2008 02:04

Well the majority elected them, its not like you were beaten into submission

30 Jun 2008 07:51

hello chicken shed. still working hard for your good scout council badge, i see.....

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
30 Jun 2008 20:42

Still calling other posters by my name are we .
I dont know , what will it take to get into that sad tiny mind of yours.

Surely you dont think i'd waste my time arguing politics with you. After all i am 3 different councillors and a reverend according to you.

Dont worry matron will be round soon.

30 Jun 2008 21:38


Chicken shed
Chicken shed
30 Jun 2008 21:57


never mind
never mind
30 Jun 2008 23:22

When I saw this thread, thought a serious one at last.
what alot of infantile idiots you are. How can you compare the council to Mugabe You can vote the council out at the next election you are not beaten into submission, killed if you vote for someone else, and you have enough food and water.
Grow up or shut up. Do you think the Beano is a newspaper.

01 Jul 2008 08:31

Make no mistake, if those in authority could find a way of not giving you the chance to vote they will.
Take the last two casual vacancies on Dawlish Town Council.
The law requires that the vacancies should be posted in a conspicuous place or any other place that your council thinks fit.
Where did they post the notices?

01 Jul 2008 22:09

At least The Beano is a better read than The Dawlish Gazette. How about this for seriousness. Word is spreading round Dawlish that our councillor Tom Bush, who likes to call himself a doctor, is not actually a doctor. Can we believe anything our councillors say?

02 Jul 2008 06:32

If he is a Dr, he should be able to produce the facts. If he could produce it, read it closely as it could be one of those bought over the internet.
Knowing the skullduggery he has got up to in the past, he could be anything.

Third Degree
Third Degree
02 Jul 2008 08:29

Might it be that he is a Dr of Philosophy or a Dr of Divinity? If so,he is perfectly entitled to call himself Doctor.

02 Jul 2008 08:43

If that is the case, it sounds very dubious to me. Another example of pompousness and ego. More appropriate would be Doctor of malfeasance.

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