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General Discussion

Local Produce Market

Some facts
Some facts
25 Jun 2008 08:08

A new monthly Local Produce Market will soon be operating in Dawlish. It is hoped the first market will run in September 2008.

It is a joint venture between Dawlish Chamber of Trade & Commerce and Dawlish Town Council.

The market aims to bring to Dawlish local produce. Local produce being defined as within a 30 mile radius of Dawlish.

Local retailers are extremely welcome to use this market as an extra arena from which to sell their produce.

If you wish to book a stall, find out more about booking a stall or just want more information on the whole thing then contact:

Julian Ford (Dawlish Chamber of Trade) on01626 862787 or Dawlish Town Council on 01626 863388.

Some more facts
Some more facts
25 Jun 2008 08:45

Forgot to say that products MUST BE locally (ie within 30 mile radius) produced/grown/created.

Thus flowers imported from outside that area -not allowed.

Shoes,belts & other leather goods manufactured outside that area - not allowed.

Eggs laid by hens outside that area - not allowed.

Honey from hives outside that area - not allowed.

Bread & cakes baked outside that area - not allowed.

Get the picture?

Vox Pop
Vox Pop
25 Jun 2008 12:10

See page 4 of latest Dawlish Gazette (25.06.08)
Paper wishes to know your thoughts on the proposed Local Produce Market.

Write to: The Dawlish Gazette, 6 Park Road, Dawlish or email:

Local Economy
Local Economy
25 Jun 2008 15:45

And take a look at the latest edition of Devon Talk. It's got a 8 page special supplement dedicated to local produce and services.

On page 2 it lists the Farmers' Markets in the county. There's quite a few. Must be a successful way of selling local produce else there wouldn't be so many of 'em.

Can't wait for Dawlish to have its market.

Like it says in the mag "Buying your fresh produce locally can save you on petrol and locally grown food means fewer food miles and less impact on the environment - so you'll be saving money and going green!"

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
25 Jun 2008 22:31

Looking forward to it. Hopefully it may encourage some of the shops in dawlish to stock more local produce.

May i suggest that the shops and cafes/restaurants approach these stall holders and use them as suppliers.

Keeps the money local and creates jobs, unlike the European market

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