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General Discussion

Car sales

09 Jun 2008 13:52

There are six cars for sale taking away parking spaces along the Exeter Road.
Is it just a coincidence that the residents who live in that area are all selling cars or is there a car dealer involved??

Very suspicious
Very suspicious
09 Jun 2008 14:10

Easy to solve that problem if there is one, ring them up.

10 Jun 2008 06:45

That has been going on for years

10 Jun 2008 08:40

Come on BOGOF, keep up with the times and stop watching tv soaps which cloud the mind.
Selling of vehicles

The offence of selling vehicles on the road is intended to target those people who run a business selling and/or repairing motor vehicles and use the road as a mock showroom. It is not intended to target individuals selling their private car, it is intended to combat the nuisance caused by the presence of several vehicles being offered for sale in the same street or area for the purposes of a business.

The Act therefore states that an offence is being committed when there are two or more vehicles, within 500 metres of each other, being offered for sale.

It is recognised that a private individual may have more than one vehicle to sell and may park them close together in the street. It is anticipated that this will be rare and that his/her ownership of the two (or more) vehicles can be easily established and by local enquiries, it can also be ascertained whether the owner practices this on a regular basis. A person will not be convicted if he can prove he was not acting for the purposes of a business.

10 Jun 2008 10:28

If need a deal, look at the fiat 4 sale.

11 Jun 2008 00:34

god Viaduct your so boring

21 Jun 2008 18:54

Having dropped into Dawlish, I notice that there are still cars for sale on Exeter Road.
I can see that the police and the CPSO's are doing there job ok. No doubt beefy will think this boring also?

Road Traffic Act

Section 3 - Exposing vehicles for sale on a road

Section 3 (1) sets out the particulars of the offence:
A person commits an offence if:
a) he leaves two or more motor vehicles parked within 500m of each other on a road or roads where they are exposed or advertised for sale, or
b) he causes two or more vehicles so to be left.

Section 3 (2) sets out the defence:
A person is not to be convicted of an offence under subsection (1) if he proves to the satisfaction of the court that he was not acting for the purposes of a business of selling motor vehicles.

Section 3 (3) sets out the penalty:
A person guilty of an offence under subsection (1) is liable on summary conviction to a fine not extending level 4 (£2,500) on the standard scale.

21 Jun 2008 19:13

I have noticed more cars for sale along the Exeter Road area including a large white van taking away 2 or even 3 parking spaces.

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