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General Discussion

Carnival procession may be cancelled shock!

22 May 2008 11:38

It's that time again folks! Yes, you've guessed it - the annual 'we may have to cancel the carnival' scare hitting the front page of the local rag.

As if they would.

Why oh why do we have to go through this charade every year, is it just publicity seeking?

OK, the roads need to be closed for the evening procession but why for the pram race and after the air show? It's only the last couple of years that they've done that, it went ok before - go back to letting people manage their own road safety (and generally most people can) and save £320.00 - easy!

And by the way - I'd love to see a list of the 'thousands' of pounds that have been given to charity in the last few years - as far as I'm aware it's nowhere near that much, anyone like to put me right?

06 Jun 2008 14:46

noooooooooooooooooooooooo it raises money for things and it is fun

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