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General Discussion

Passive Smoking!

Non smoker
Non smoker
21 May 2008 21:59

Now that the government has legally confirmed passive smoking/secondary contamination does exist with the implementation of the smoking ban, can we now sue the Landlords of Pubs and Restaurants for deception and negligence?

Where there's blame, there's a claim.....

22 May 2008 08:03

The Government may have confirmed contamination - when do you believe anything this arrogant Government says - but the Medical Fraternity admit there is no scientific proof that passive smoking causes any harm whatsoever. There are more harmful gasses omitted by diesal lorries/cars and factories, there are four factories in this country that pour more harmful gases into the atmospere than all the vehicles on the road in this country, they admit they do, but refuse to name them, even when asked using the Freedom of Information Act.

Ex Smoker
Ex Smoker
22 May 2008 12:08

I think the only people you can blame are government for allowing the sale of cigarettes.
They tell us how bad it is and offer ways to help quit the habit but they still allow the sale of them. The government are on to a good thing really, making money off cigarettes and more money off nicotine replacment therapy.
I was recently told by a reliable source that cigarette companies have now added 20% more additives to make them more addictive because so many people would like to quit.
So when a man is refused an operation because he smokes but has paid NI contributions all his life who do you blame. Me personally i blame the government because they are money grabbing gits. If they were that worried they would BAN Smoking.
Please whoever reads this don't think i'm having a go at smokers because i'm not i was one.

Ex Smoker
Ex Smoker
22 May 2008 12:27


No smoking in here if you please
Because I don’t want heart and lung disease
The doctors tells you it’s not good for your health
Just look at my bank account it’s not good for my wealth.

All the non smokers say it smells really bad
If you’re around them when you’re puffing your fag
But its one of my pleasures and it will cause me pain
So why do I light up again and again

And don’t tell me it’s easy to give up my fags and matches
And that I can replace them with nicotine patches
Then when you fail you’re told that you’re feeble and weak
Well you can all kiss my arse I’ve had a really bad week

Then you feel stupid because you’ve given in
Is it me or the fag, which one of us will win?
Then when you’re in the shop what’s the last thing that you see
2,000 packets of cigarettes looking back at me.

Over the years I’ve damaged my body because of this cancer stick
And all us smokers know how hard this habit is to kick
I really don’t want to smoke and find it ever so hard
Temptation is all around you the things should be BLOODY BARRED!!!!!!!.

22 May 2008 12:54

Reckon best way to stop people smoking is to put on the box 'thank you for buying these, you have helped Government funds' .. bet that would work.
I have often wondered why people started given the smell on clothes. Maybe it is so people keep a distance!

Ex Smoker
Ex Smoker
22 May 2008 13:17

When you're a smoker you can't smell that horrible smell on you clothes or in your house.
When you smoked in the pub people complained but now the funny thing is that you can smell alsorts, B.O, Farts & bad breath you can't win

dont care
dont care
22 May 2008 15:19

the doctor who found that smoking can cause
lung cancer says there is no proof passive
smoking harms anyone.
I hate the smell of exhaust fumes, alcohol,
and all household cleaning products as I have
chemical intolerance

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