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General Discussion

sainsburys at shutterton lane

13 Apr 2008 12:34

well it had to happen,the old planning permisson has gone in,and i bet 100% that the council will see this as a cash cow for themselves and grant them permission to destroy our town,forget the little shops that will all go out of business,they will never be able to compete with the prices,forget the days of popping in and out of a variety of shops and good personel service,its called progression,it will benefit the town,it will bring jobs.yeh we will need them when all the local shops have closed down,dont worry tho you will get cheaper food,2 chickens for a fiva god knows where they came from,or how they were reared it doesnt matter its CHEEP!!!just like the council who are trying to destroy our townyou are thinking short term,in 5 years time there will be no local independant shops only the large retailers making megga bucks ...i am sure the big cats thank you all from their yachts in the caribean ,nowhere near dawlish.

13 Apr 2008 13:48

Where do you buy chickens in Dawlish Lloyd Maunder well they are a chain.Also Sainsbury's sells free a range and organic chickens cant get free range in the Co-op, farm assured isnt free range.
The independant shops in Dawlish will still thrive for two reasons, firstly they offer alternative to what the supermarkets have to offer secondly I dont think anyone does there main shop in the Co-op let alone the little shops.
There are many towns where they have supermarkets and independant shops and the towns thrive.

not again
not again
13 Apr 2008 22:57

oh god, i just can't be arsed with these supermarket threads anymore.

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