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General Discussion

Housing Planning Application

05 Apr 2008 10:48

Outline planning permission being sought for house building on land at Secmaton Lane.

Application ref; 08/01236/MAJ

Comments must be received by 25th April 2008.

Public can see copies of application etc in person at Forde House, Newton Abbot or on-line;

05 Apr 2008 10:58

That is what is known as sporadic development and should not be encouraged.

05 Apr 2008 16:51

What is a 'sporadic' development?

Sandy Lane
Sandy Lane
05 Apr 2008 17:25

Have just gone onto TDC website. Address for planning app. is Woodhayes & Registered Caravan Site, Secmaton Rise.

The application says nothing about access. As far as I am aware that part of Secmaton Rise which looks like an unmade lane which runs from back of golf course down to made up part of Secmaton Rise is owned by TDC.

One way in and out of proposed site (and there is nothing to say of course that it will be given planning permission) would be across that unmade lane and down into Carhaix Way. BUT as TDC own that very vital bit of land - Secmaton Rise - they effectively have what's known as a ransom strip.

Watch this space!

Sandy Lane
Sandy Lane
05 Apr 2008 19:12

Have now looked in more detail at documentation. It seems that DARE and 45 households near proposed scheme were consulted. WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF US?

Also, as I suspected, access road is proposed via Carhaix Way. That means going over the unmade up part of Secmaton Rise that is owned by TDC.

Will TDC sell?

dont care
dont care
06 Apr 2008 03:00

Obviously Dawlish needs more housing,
Can any of you suggest where these should go

Sandy Lane
Sandy Lane
06 Apr 2008 07:34

I'm not disagreeing that Dawlish needs more houses.

What I am so annoyed about is the lack of public consultation about this. Consulting with DARE and 45 houses or so in the immediate vicinity is not public consultation in my book.

Also, I think that access via Carhaix Way is a nonsense but as anyone who knows the area will know that top bit of Carhaix Way has been left unbuilt on for the very obvious reason of it becoming a road at some time leading into a new estate.

TDC own the land that the new road will need to cross. Will TDC sell? Does it have to sell?

Not at all against new houses being built. But it all needs doing in a planned, strategic, well though out manner and not in this apparent free for all.

dont care
dont care
06 Apr 2008 08:05

That doesnt answer the question Where do you and everyone else think new houses should be built

06 Apr 2008 08:18

I think sporadic housing means houses being built here and there not great big estates, with no planned infrastructure

Sandy Lane
Sandy Lane
06 Apr 2008 09:32

Where I and everyone else think the new houses should be built might be the very thing that needs to be publicly discussed and consulted on so as to stop this ad hoc planning submission nonsense.

It may well be that up around the Secmaton Lane area is THE or ONE OF THE places for new dwellings to be located but my points are;

1. The public need to be consulted about such expansion.

2. That developments (of whatever kind) need to strategically planned.

But I think that's what the failed Local Development Framework was meant do to wasn't it?

dont care
dont care
06 Apr 2008 13:44

Maybe instead of making our towns bigger there should be a new town in Devon not I hasten to add like Bracknell or Milton Keynes.Then each town would have amenities for the populace surrounded by green and pleasant land

Sandy Lane
Sandy Lane
06 Apr 2008 15:01

There are at least two new towns planned for Devon.

Sherford which is planned to be just outside Plymouth in South Hams
Cranbrook due to be built east of Exeter.

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