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General Discussion

earth hour

dont care
dont care
29 Mar 2008 16:52

Hope you all turn your lights of between 8pm and 9pm for earth hour.
Many cities and towns across the world are taking part.
Come on lets start being positive about saving our planet

29 Mar 2008 16:56

I've got my candles at the ready!

bob sinkerson
bob sinkerson
29 Mar 2008 17:05

We could all turn our lights off for an hour this evening, we could then spend all day tomorrow cutting down every tree in this country, everyone could drive a 4x4 24 hours a day and we could all burn coal fires 24 hours a day, for the next twenty years. And it would make not a jot of difference to this planets environmental predicament. The damage is being done and has been done on a majorly grand scale by messers China and Uncle Sam et al. All this nonsense about carbon prints and taxing gas guzzlers is just an excuse by the governments to introduce more taxes. So tonight I will have no qualms about switching every light on in my house to light up the Dawlish shoreline.

dont care
dont care
29 Mar 2008 17:19

What a cynic you are Bob.I have been to China yes it has a terrible problem like we did years ago.
Maybe we have to leade by example.
A lot of damage has been done but the Earth has a healing power if we treat it right, bit the same as our bodies

29 Mar 2008 20:03

And how do you think the hole in the ozone layer is going to heal itself.... don't think so!!!!

dont care
dont care
29 Mar 2008 20:33

Yes I think the hole in the ozonne layer will heal
It isnt your future you have to care about its the future when you are long dead and gone

29 Mar 2008 20:43

Typical you are up in arms when it is to do with a supermarket comming to Dawlish but the whole wider global issue everyone is so negative
The sea is getting higher Dawlish wont exist in 50 years time

29 Mar 2008 22:13

I turned my lights off as I am trying wholeheartedly to change the way I treat the environment - for my kids' sake. Pity we can't turn off all ignorant a***holes too

dont care
dont care
30 Mar 2008 06:09


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