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General Discussion

Tesco and Dawlish Town AFC

Whistle Blower
Whistle Blower
29 Jan 2008 17:07

Anyone know who was the Chairman of Dawlish Town AFC in June 2005? If so, please let all of us know because it was in that month that the option on the football club's lease was signed over to a development company who were no doubt acting on behalf of a certain supermarket. Not saying which supermarket but if anyone can answer the question then we'd be very grateful as "every little (bit of information) helps" to flush out the person(s)involved in that deal.

Secret Squirrel
Secret Squirrel
29 Jan 2008 18:58

It was one of three:
Fenner, Gooding or Webster

29 Jan 2008 19:12

What was the name of the developer?

Ben Hur
Ben Hur
29 Jan 2008 19:18

Chelverton Freely (something) Limited

Ben Hur
Ben Hur
29 Jan 2008 19:21

Sorry! Chelverton Deely Freed Limited

29 Jan 2008 19:33

Not Monarch then?

Secret Squirrel
Secret Squirrel
29 Jan 2008 19:36

I am 99% sure the chairman was FENNER

29 Jan 2008 19:44

Do any of the Dawlish Town players get there wages via this developer as a tax loss?

Secret Squrrel
Secret Squrrel
29 Jan 2008 20:01

Maybe not this developer, but definitely one linked to the realm!!

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