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General Discussion

Free food

21 Jan 2008 15:07

I saw on the news this morning that there are supermarkets in France Germany and Greece and other countries whose soul purpose is to give free food to the poor> this food comes from other supermarkets its surplass stock its a monthly allowance. Why doesnt Dawlish go for the same it would put the town on the map being the first of its kind in the country and there are a lot of poor people in the town

Big Issue
Big Issue
21 Jan 2008 15:14

I think you'll find that some supermarkets do that in this country already. Like they will give any surplus to organisations who provide food to the street homeless.

Do you know of any such organisations based in Dawlish?

And.....I have to say this.......I don't think that is really the type of publicity Dawlish needs. "Come to Dawlish, home of the poor and needy" I don't think so, do you? Good idea but don't publicise it if it happens.

Dawlish needs to be "talked up".

21 Jan 2008 16:41

A nice idea, but it would put Dawlish on the map for all the wrong reasons.It would be sending out a message to all all the vagrants and oddbods and wierdos that have limited funds to come to Dawlish, also how many more S. Security scammers would move to this area, we already have enough of those here already! It would also depend how they would define the meaning of poor.

23 Jan 2008 13:52

You got it wrong folks its for pensioners and people on low wages or bona fida benefits, they are in nearly every European country we cant turn a blind eye to the fact that there are a lot of poor people in this country and the gap between the rich and poor is getting bigger.
Going and getting a free monthly allowance of food from a store is not the same as organizations filling a begging bowl, it maintains a degree of pride

23 Jan 2008 13:57

Why don't you raise the issue with Sainsbury's when they do their consultation in Dawlish next week?

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