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General Discussion

Comedians in Dawlish

Ben Hur
Ben Hur
17 Jan 2008 11:46

First we have Dom Joly having it off with Cllr Prowse (The beloved mayor of fifteen other councillors of Dawlish). Now we have the WMN renaming Pro the roe as Wally Clitheroe.
I am sure many of you of a certain age, will remember "The Clitheroe kid"?

17 Jan 2008 13:43

What's the WMN article?

Ben Hur
Ben Hur
17 Jan 2008 18:56

The errosion of the Sand at Dawlish Warren.
I am sure the Enviroment Agency has better more worthy concerns on its plate, than a piece of sand that is disappearing.

17 Jan 2008 23:48

The article was actually in The Times on page 3, Thursday January 10, about the TDC Review Group report on the loss of sand from Dawlish Warren beach. It's a pretty serious matter and deserves more than a side-swipe at Wally Protheroe because anything that reduces the appeal of Dawlish Warren as holiday destination is bad news for town traders too.

20 Jan 2008 20:02

Sod the town traders, they have had it too good for too long and spend most of their time looking down their noses at the rest of us, *** ****** being a prime example. Just who the hell do they think they are.

Minnie Ha ha
Minnie Ha ha
20 Jan 2008 21:37

You don't like *** ****** do you Anon?

He's not a town trader by the way. Might have been in the past but not now.

And actually, if the town centre traders are hit hard 1. by supermarket (reduced demand for bakers, butchers, greengrocers etc) plus 2. by lack of holiday makers (reduced demand for tourist trade type shops) Dawlish town centre will be in a right financial mess and that will affect all of us.

20 Jan 2008 22:18

Surely though there is a great difference between trading conditions on the Warren and those in the town? And if the sand is gone the Warren and the holiday support industry will suffer, but the effect on the town will be there, but much diminished?

The relationship between the two parts of Dawlish is interesting, and I look forward to your views!

Minnie Ha ha
Minnie Ha ha
21 Jan 2008 08:29

Dawlish Warren has the bed nights. If Dawlish Warren's tourist industry is hit then the potential number of holiday makers in the immediate vicinity of Dawlish town will drop also and thus the town traders, especially those catering specifically for the tourists, could be adversely affected.

It isn't just Dawlish Warren that's losing sand it is also Dawlish.

It might be that both Dawlish and Dawlish Warren will have to reinvent themselves in terms of who they attract as holiday makers. This will take imagination, marketing and money.

Alternatively sand could be shipped in from elsewhere (Exmouth?) and work could be done to halt the eastward movement of the sand.

21 Jan 2008 13:35

Minnie Ha Ha
I like your comment that Dawlish/Dawlish Warren would have to reinvent themselves to attract holiday makers which also needs imagination but this also means CHANGE!and thats like a swear word in Dawlish. Personally i love Dawlish it's a pretty place but it is looking a bit tired. I remember when when you were greeted by a wonderful floral display spelling out DAWLISH and a well kept putting green. Now it looks like something from jurassic park. What about when someone had the bright idea of painting the fountain bright blue definate change but what a eyesore not the lasting impression you want to give the holiday makers. Less talk more action needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Minnie Ha ha
Minnie Ha ha
21 Jan 2008 14:28

Agree Anon totally about more action being needed. So....what are YOU going to DO to help Dawlish?

21 Jan 2008 15:48

Minnie Ha Ha
Firstly give me a open cheque book thats a start.Then ask the people of Dawlish what they would like to see done to better the town. First thing i would do is ban the fair from the lawn as it ruins it for the rest of the summer. There a loads of things that people would like to see done to Dawlish to make it more attractive but to much red tape and not enought backing.

Minnie Ha ha
Minnie Ha ha
21 Jan 2008 15:51

I thought Dawlish Community Trust were doing work on this issue of regenerating Dawlish. Indeed, from what I understand proposals addressing this very subject should be in the public domain very shortly.

Ben Hur
Ben Hur
24 Jan 2008 17:51

All £40,000 worth? How much of that went on the pi55-up? They pay a firm to look at what Dawlish wants and the firm sets up a big tent on the lawn and asks the holiday makers. I would do that for half the ammount.

Minnie Ha ha
Minnie Ha ha
24 Jan 2008 18:20

And you might very well wish to make that very point to Dawlish Community Trust.

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