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General Discussion

Supermarket Debate- Public Meeting

16 Jan 2008 17:36

Details for rescheduled meeting are: Public meeting to debate "Does Dawlish need a new supermarket, and, if so, where?" will be held on Tuesday 12th February at Dawlish Community College. 7.00pm - 8.45pm. Meeting organised by local MP, Richard Younger-Ross. Speakers invited from Sainsbury, Tesco, Friends of the Earth and Campaign for Protection of Rural England plus other local interested parties.

Could be an interesting evening......

18 Jan 2008 00:05

Is it to be a debate? If so, what is the proposal? If it's just a talking shop I don't see the purpose as most people will have had their shout, or will have done after the Sainsbury's exhibition at the Manor House on Friday 1 and Saturday 2 February.

18 Jan 2008 08:21

Okay, technically speaking it won't be a debate because there will be no proposal as such. However, whilst Tesco and Sainsbury will have both made their pitch for why Dawlish should have a supermarket there has been no public pitch made by any other organisations as to why Dawlish should not.

It would be a very one sided meeting if only the pro or the anti supermarket argument was catered for and would leave itself wide open to accusations of bias and unfairness. Hence, two speakers from the supermarkets and two speakers from organisations who have grave misgivings.

It's there for people to attend if they wish, just like the public consultation already held by Tesco and the one due to be held by Sainsbury.

How can you make an informed judgement if you haven't listened to both sides of an argument?

18 Jan 2008 09:51

And, of course, it will give the two supermarkets an opportunity to not only make their respective pitches AGAIN but also enable them (and I say this more in hope than expectation) to address any issues/questions that their proposals have raised with people living in and around Dawlish but which, for whatever reasons, they have not answered.

Also, it will be an opportunity for those who have not been able to attend any of the supermarket public consultation meetings to actually go and see what they are proposing.

25 Jan 2008 12:53

what time does the meeting start at the manor house?

25 Jan 2008 14:02

Er Ed....I think you are confusing two different meetings concerning the supermarkets.

The one that this thread is about is taking place on Tuesday 12th February at Dawlish Community College. 7.00pm -8.30pm. This meeting is being organised by our MP, Richard Younger-Ross and is concerned with "Does Dawlish need/want a supermarket and if so, where?". He has invited speakers from Tesco, Sainsbury, Friends of the Earth and the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England.

The presentation taking place at the Manor House is Sainsbury's. This will be held on Friday 1st Feb 10.00am - 6.00pm and Saturday 2nd Feb 10.00am - 4.00pm.

Two different meetings/presentations. Same topic.

Ben Hur
Ben Hur
25 Jan 2008 22:18

When Dare organized a debate at Dawlish Community College, there were approximently 100 people there.
Sainbury's man went away with a big flea in his ear after the majority told him to bogoff, and that was before Tesco had there radar on Sandy Lane, so why are they sounding out the same again?

26 Jan 2008 07:35

Suggest you ask Tesco and Sainsbury that very question.

(That is of course if they turn up......... I am awaiting to see what excuse(s) both will find for bottling out of attending.)

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