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General Discussion

Chicken for Dinner?

Red Rooster
Red Rooster
09 Jan 2008 11:54

Have any of you been watching Hugh Fearnly Whittingstall's programmes this week about chicken rearing/production? Last one is on tonight (Wednesday) Channel 4. 9.00pm. Programme is called Chicken Run.

Also, Jamie Oliver has similar programme on tv this Friday called Jamie's Fowl Dinners. Channel 4.

09 Jan 2008 13:02

What a good programme it certainly made me think twice about where my chicken comes from. The problem is we all not what goes on but turn a blind eye so we don't feel guilty about supporting this industry.Anyone who has not watched this programme should as i am sure it would convert people to supporting his cause.

09 Jan 2008 14:35

if you want to check out this goto worth a look

10 Jan 2008 09:50

Have all of us Nectar card holders received that mail shot from Sainsbury's concerning these chicken programmes? That must have cost Sainsbury's a lot of money.I hope they spend as much time and money on improving the production methods used by those who supply them with their poultry and eggs.

These programmes do appear to have touched a nerve with some of the supermarkets, although apparently not with Tesco for whom it would seem that "every little helps" is something they have difficulty with when it comes to chicken production methods.

Colour blind
Colour blind
10 Jan 2008 11:13

Re Sainsbury's. Does this mean that orange is now the new green?

If so, could someone tell David "Dave" Cameron's tories cos they claim that blue is now the new green.

Perhaps 'green' is what they think the rest of us are?

Rhode Island Red
Rhode Island Red
10 Jan 2008 16:45

All this must have ruffled Sainsbury's feathers a bit cos they had a full page ad in today's Express (and I expect in other papers as well)all about how they source their chickens and eggs.

Lisa Marrie
Lisa Marrie
06 Jun 2008 15:14

I Lovee Chicken,, I Am Fat ++ I Lovee Myself.. :D
I Think I Am Reallii Fit ++ I Moirsturise My Fore Head,, ++ I File DOwn My Chin,, And I Would Like Tell You I Shave My Tit,, My Fat Nips ++ My Crack.. That Is It.. I Think..:D
I Have No Friend.. :'[...

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