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Farmers' Market in Dawlish?

Local Economy
Local Economy
04 Jan 2008 09:00

Why doesn't Dawlish have a Farmers' Market?

04 Jan 2008 09:45

Dawlish used to have a farmers market every other friday on the lawn.
I knew a few people that used to come over from Teignmouth.

Local Economy
Local Economy
04 Jan 2008 09:53

So why did it stop?

04 Jan 2008 10:24

Because it wasn't well supported. People didn't spend enough money to make it worth doing sadly. It's a shame because there was some really nice stuff sold.

04 Jan 2008 10:25

not enough poeple used it and the council charged high rents

Local Economy
Local Economy
04 Jan 2008 14:18

Which Council? Teignbridge District or Dawlish Town?

Other Farmers' Mkts seem to thrive. Why not the Dawlish one?

Could it be given another go I wonder?

04 Jan 2008 15:27

It's simply the fact as said before on here, people living in Dawlish will not buy or support. Fact that their Farm eggs and meat are cheaper than the supermarkets does not seem to play a part. I will never undersatand why people are happy to pay high supermarket prices for veg and meat and know that they do on the grounds of convenience, unless they think as its in a supermarket it just has to be cheaper.
I was in Asda and I could not find fresh farm eggs as low as 6 for 99p, but you can at the local butchers in Dawlish.
If Teignmouth had a Farmers Market then people in Dawlish would support it. By spending time and money to get there, use the car etc..they would make a purchase as an effort has been made.
Mad crazy world, but the 'grass' would be greener at Teignmouth. So try it there.

Local Economy
Local Economy
04 Jan 2008 15:51

So .....using your logic Concerned it follows that people from Teignmouth, Starcross, Kenton and any and all villages and towns surrounding Dawlish would come to Dawlish to shop rather than shopping in their own shops.Yes? Perhaps holiday makers would do the same. So.....perhaps they and their money could keep a Farmers' Market here in Dawlish a profitable venture. I live in Dawlish and a Farmers' Market every week or two would certainly get me into the town centre.

04 Jan 2008 16:49

Yes you got it. As long as its advertised in Starcross around etc.
Cream on the top is the hoilday trade, but to be fair you cant expect them really to walk around with meat, but eggs and jams etc would be fine to buy.
Leaflet drop and advertise free on BBC Radio Devon local whats on. A4 in EVERY pub, libraries and tell EVERY farmer within ten miles. Word of mouth is best.
Whatever you do do not spend silly money on adverts in papers, remember as long as people travel here it will do business.
I doubt if all those things were done when the market was tried, if it was I'm sorry.
If you do all those ways to tell people, then and only then will you know if there is a demand.
Why not start with the market on the first Thursday of every month? then extend if it works.
A day at the end of the week is better as people buy for the weekend.
Good luck.

04 Jan 2008 16:51

Teignmouth used to have a farmers market in Pellew Arcade.
It ran on alternate weeks to the Dawlish one.

04 Jan 2008 18:44

The Teignmouth market ground to a halt after difficulties with the location and what was seen as an unhelpful attitude from Teignbridge council, who were not noticeably supportive of the Dawlish one either.
Many of us would welcome either back; there was some excellent produce.

Local Economy
Local Economy
04 Jan 2008 18:57

Okey dokey then here is what we do first of all:

LOBBY, LOBBY, LOBBY, our Teignbridge District Cllrs (cc the Dawlish Town ones) asking them if they would be supportive of a Farmers' Market in Dawlish (like Teignbridge District Council not asking an extortionate amount in hire fee for being able to use the lawn).

Someone might want to run the idea past Dawlish Chamber of Commerce?

Also lobby our local MP Richard Younger-Ross - see if we can get him to support. Constituency office: 24-26 Queen Street, Newton Abbot. TQ12 2EF Tel: 01626 202626

Write letters to local papers suggesting idea.

Anyone know who organised Farmers' Market when it ran last time?

Local Economy
Local Economy
04 Jan 2008 19:09

Our MP can also be contacted via e-mail

04 Jan 2008 20:08

Just a suggestion.
Before nagging the MP and Council. Giveb that it failed, would it be an idea to actually ask the people ay the Farmers market in Newton or Exeter if they would like to come to Dawlish. If they all said no there would be little point in you doing all the work to get one going. You could ask seek what they consider to be a good rate for the table on the lawn.
Just an idea.

Local Economy
Local Economy
05 Jan 2008 08:06

Do you have any contact details?

05 Jan 2008 10:40

Sorry no, but a trip to Newton or Exeter market would at least determin if they would like to set up here, mind it would be even better if it was an all round marker like Newton then you get an assortment of stalls, but i guess then the town traders would be upset.

Local Economy
Local Economy
06 Jan 2008 07:56

Unfortunately Concerned I am not in a position to get to either Newton A. or Exeter when the Farmers' Markets take place. But I'd willingly follow through a contact address or phone number. Does anyone have anthing?

09 Jan 2008 15:14

Perhaps the town needs to decide whether it really supports a Fairtrade type green shopping approach.When the Farmers' Market was running last year quite a number of people remarked on the high price of the 'specialist' products on offer, and that similar could be found more cheaply in Summerfield. So, are enough people prepared to pay that extra ?
I also think it was a mistake to run it fortnightly rather than a certain day each month. Once you got out of step it was frustrating to find that it wasn't running that Friday, and so it is no surprise the trade dropped off.
The team that ran both Teignmouth and Dawlish were given local funding to advertise but didn't do so effectively, and wouldn't allow some really local producers to join in.

09 Jan 2008 15:45

That's why it failed then.
Remember there is a good farm butchers over the road so guess that has something to do with that.
Dawlish is not the right place for premium prices.

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