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shopping in Dawlish

03 Jan 2008 13:49

Why are people worried about having a decent supermarket in Dawlish. How will it affect the local shops. If I want to buy clothes household items decent priced food I have to go to Teignmouth Exeter or Newton.
Everyone I know who used to shop in Sommerfields now go to Tesco or Asda because of choice and price and they still go down town for odds and ends

03 Jan 2008 14:22

Couldn't agree with you more, although a lot of people that do the same would hypocritically disagree.

Local Economy
Local Economy
03 Jan 2008 16:45

Perhaps if there were to be a bigger supermarket nearer to Dawlish then those people who presently use the shops in the town (butcher, bakers, greengrocer, florists, 3 x convenience stores, 2 x chemists, newsagents, delicatessens etc)* might cease to do so and choose to use the supermarket instead. Hence, those shops that I've just mentioned above would lose trade and possibly close.

Also, I think that a lot of the holiday makers would also use the supermarket. Thus the money that comes into the local economy every holiday season might just end up going out via the profits made by Mr Tesco or Mr Sainsbury.

*and those are just the shops in The Strand, Queen Street and Brunswick Place. What about those in Old Town?

03 Jan 2008 16:57

Old Town Street Grocer/Newsagent closed in December.

03 Jan 2008 19:34

What about all the other shops that have opened and closed in recent years?
What was the cause? It certainly wasn't the result of having a supermarket.

03 Jan 2008 19:36

Maybe, but - a large supermarket will exacerbate the cause(s) of local shops closing down

03 Jan 2008 21:11

As I said before everyone I know including myself shop at Tesco etc and shop in Dawlish as well I go to Teignmouth to the greengrocer butchers and chemists as they are not part of a chain.
Newton has 2 big supermarkets and the town thrives people in Dawlish seem to not want change or progress.
I never heard one complaint when Bet Fred arrived did Dawlish really need another betting shop

03 Jan 2008 22:52

Can i just point out the Newsagent closed just a couple of days after i paid 2 months money up front for my advert to be placed in there.......and people are moaning about Tescos being greedy, they didnt even have the decency to tell us, just took the money!!!!!

03 Jan 2008 23:14

Is a known fact people never do shop on their doorstep, so unless the shop is used by the holiday people there is no point in being there in the first place.
I do know all fund raising people knock on the door of every small shop for a raffle prize and expect one even if the shop is not used by locals. I hope Mr Tesco gives prizes out.

03 Jan 2008 23:54

There were a few mentions on here about Betfred not needed. I guess it is used though. No complaints that HSBC Bank left Dawlish and as you know Barclays Bank pulled out ages ago.
By the way is good Boots do 'Midnight Pharmacy' they had a right battle to get prescriptiosn didnt they.

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