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General Discussion

BREAKING NEWS - sandy lane development

the governor
the governor
29 Dec 2007 14:55

any truth in the rumour i have just heard that when the football club moves, a new top of the range building will be developed and the complex named "Dawlish imigration centre"?

29 Dec 2007 17:13

You mean Dawlish Immigration Centre don't you?
(two m's)

On the other hand, perhaps that's what the Old Post Office in Brunswick could be used for.....?

30 Dec 2007 09:33

I hate to burst your bubble. But the old post office is owned by a private company in London and the reason it is still empty, is they want £24,000 a year in rent, that's right, I did say £24,000. Any takers ?

30 Dec 2007 10:44

Can't the local authority compulsory purchase it if it is left standing empty for too long?

(Actually just has a thought - I wonder if Mr Tesco is reading this whether or not he might be interested in setting up a small Tesco there. After all £24,000 a year is small change for him).

What about it then Tesco? And you've already got your car park at Barton Hill!

30 Dec 2007 11:40

Problem. As we all know, Teignbridge is very corrupt, so the first thing you would need to do, is find out what is in it for them, then it is a case of, do Teco's want to dirty their hands with grubby little Teignbridge council. I am sure they would find lots of reasons NOT to have a Tesco's there, all in the name of "health and safty" of course, they would only be looking after OUR intrests "yea right". The thing with Teignbridge, is they are very clever, their mistake however, is thinking that everyone else is stupid. Remember I said a company in London owned the building, well if you do a little digging, you will see that the OFFICE is in London, some very intresting names on the board however and some of them sound very much like some of our local business men and council members, Coincidence ?????

Whistle Blower
Whistle Blower
30 Dec 2007 18:10

Anon - What's the name of the company that owns the Old Post Office building?

30 Dec 2007 18:51


spill the beans
spill the beans
30 Dec 2007 19:07

Go on - tell us. What's the name of the company? Once we know that we can look on companieshouse-dot-co-dot-uk and find the directors - for FREE! Let's all have a good look?

Whistle Blower
Whistle Blower
30 Dec 2007 20:04

Come on then Anon - cough up the info - what's the name of the company that owns the Old Post Office.

31 Dec 2007 15:11

All you have to do is contact the land registery by law they have to disclose who owns any building if they are requested to

Whistle Blower
Whistle Blower
31 Dec 2007 15:54

Yes I know about contacting the land registry but Anon was more or less saying that s/he knew the name of company so......why can't Anon tell us?

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