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General Discussion

DCC School Uniform

Angry Parent
Angry Parent
30 Nov 2007 20:04

I would like to make a comment on the new school uniform. I have 2 children at the school and they are very happy to wear their new uniforms. They have all the correct uniform.......and then we have this STUPID ruling, that they are not allowed to wear black v neck school jumpers over their shirts! My daughter has been made to remove her jumper 3 times now and has been told she will get DETENTION if she wears it again! How ridiculous!!! May i remind the school that we are now in the middle of winter and every school that i know has some sort of a winter jumper or sweatshirt! I wonder, who will be the 1st people to complain when there are more absences from school this term due to illness. So come on DCC stop this stupid ruling now and seeing as we have all been good enough to provide the new uniform let the kids wear something warm in the winter months!!!

30 Nov 2007 20:12

I agree totally, we had a letter come home the other day saying that the children were allowed to wear vests or tee shirts under their shirts. That will really keep them warm.....NOT!

01 Dec 2007 10:14

Its very true, the School uniform has become very stupid, as an ex-student and good freinds with some of the teachers, most teachers think the uniform conduct is stupid, and the prision gates unnesscary.

However psoting your thought on here will not help, Make an apointment with the Head, you wont solve nothing on here.

01 Dec 2007 10:30

Seeing the head will not make any difference, he is an idiot and does not listen to anyone. You need to get togeather and contact Devon County Education, they are HIS bosses and if you don't get any joy with that, go to the National Education. The head at DCC is trying to "make his mark" you might say, that he will not be told how to run HIS school, he has forgoten who pays his wages, it's not HIS school, it belongs to the people who pay for it, and that my friends, is US. You could also go very public with this and take it to the media, papers, TV, that sort of thing, anything to show up this idiot for what he is, a little Hitler, who thinks he is untouchable. Why not have a website put togeather, just for this, a lot of people do, for a lot less, he is using YOUR children as pawns to prove a point, are you REALLY going to let him ?

11 Dec 2007 13:38

has anyone wondered or asked the question how much commission dcc earn on new uniforms and where it has gone or what it is being used for or why we where not told about this before we where forced to buy it

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