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General Discussion

What happened to our NHS Dentist

28 Sep 2003 23:02

Our Dentist has recently informed us that they are now going private. We had the option to join a dentist plan or to look elsewhere for another dentist, which is easier said than done after ringing around all the local dentists in the district I have been unable to find an NHS one!

If my husband or ne don't join this plan (jointly £35.00 per month) then our children will no longer be entitled to free dental care. What do we pay our National insurance for?

I would appreciate any views you may have on this or perhaps if anyone knows of a NHS dentist who are still taking on new customers?

03 Oct 2003 15:56

Searching the NHS website I found that a few Exeter Dentists are still dealing with NHS patients. (I found none locally)

02 Jan 2004 13:06

I had the same same problem, was told it was Denplan or nothing. I asked if I could be a private patient, and they said no, as people that pay privatly dont turn up for their appointments !!! Maybe they should have an, if you dont turn up you still pay system ?

02 Jun 2005 20:50

the dentist on queen street (dr carr) is nhs, they often let new people on their books, its brilliant-only about a fiver for a check up -magic!

03 Jun 2005 20:55

Since when? Its well known that there are no NHS dentists in Dawlish.

04 Jun 2005 10:41

Yes the dentist on Queen street does except NHS, be prepared for a wait though, I had to wait six months when they first opened for a appointment but, it was worth it as they are very good there.
P.S They have been open for about 2 years and occasionally take on new patients (NHS) if you just called in then you would have known

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