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General Discussion

A pro-European political party, a branch of Volt Europa - a Europe wide political movement.


Screenshot 2024 06 18 at 20 31 35 Volt UK  We are proud to r


Whatever you think about Brexit and returning to the EU it is good to see another young adult (along with Labour's Jacob Cousens) entering the political arena. This party genuinely seems committed to getting rid of the first past the post system in favour of proportional representation - unlike the Lib Dems who'll say anything to get your vote and then U-Turn! They might attract a lot of young adult voters away from the Lib Dems and others.

Politics is dominated by boozy, white men of a certain class and age bracket who judging by the health of the majority of them don't have the life expectancy to see out the 5 year duration of parliament (or 4 year term in office in local governemnt) anyhow. Then there are the reports of sexism, misogeny, controlling behaviour, bullying, harassment, 'Tractor' porn and all manner of scandals and corruption involving male dishonourable 'members'. Women of the world take over.

It's good to see diversity, including The SDA's neurodivergent candidate Liam Mullone and of course Pauline Wynter the Green candidate.

It's good to have choice other than the two main pro-corporate, pro-establishment neoliberal parties, the minor neoliberal party (all on the centre-right) and the right-wing parties.


Screenshot 2024 06 18 at 20 32 21 Volt UK  We are proud to r

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