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The problem with Dawlish Cllr Wrigley Continues - Henchman Billy Bullsh** Hughes


Teignbridge District Council run by Dawlish NE Cllr Martin Wrigley and his Lib Dem majority and their Tory partners in Devon County are doubling down on opposition to their plans for Queen St, Newton Abbot - You know, the plans that traders and the people who actually live there are overwhelmingly opposed to - you may have seen it on the TV or read about it in our awful biased local rag.

Well now Wrigley's District Council and DCC have employed a man from consulting firm WSP, a Mr Billy Hughes to go around all the traders on Queen St, telling them that only a few traders still oppose the 'enhancements' and that the majority are now  all for it.

This is absolute BS. The Queen St Residents and Traders Association are STILL steadfastly opposed to these changes forced on them in such an undemocratic manner by the likes of Wrigley and co. 75% STILL stand against Wrigley's Lib Dem/Tory project. That hasn't changed and they are now taking legal action against Wrigley's Lib Dem run TDC and Tory run DCC.

District Cllr Jane Taylor of the South Devon Alliance, a former Police Chief Inspector points out that these tactics have been used elsewhere in the Post Office Scandal, in order to intimidate, dupe and manipulate justified opposition, by telling them it's just them who now stand alone, helpless. It's a desparate ploy by morally bankrupt Cllrs like Wrigley

It really shows how stupid men like Cllrs Wrigley and Bullivant (the Tory leader in Teignbridge) are. Don't they realize that shop-owners communicate with each other? Haven't the heard of Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, telegram, etc? Wrigley surely has, he's an app developer afterall. The problem is that he doesn't understand people and he underestimates the power of organized oopposition. I mean what a fecking eejit - didn't he think members of an association might 'associate' and not believe the BS of TDC and DCC's henchman Billy at face value?


Why is this relevant to us in Dawlish?

1) Your Councils have hired a consultant to spread lies in order to subvert legitimate opposition to plans that will negatively effect traders livelihoods and alter thye place where people live.

So if you actually give a damn about democracy and other people then you should reflect on who you elect if you voted for Wrigley and other Lib Dems District Cllrs in Dawlish.

2) Hiring a 'consultant' like Billy Hughes from WSP to spread falshoods in order to divide and rule comes at a cost.

Your taxes are spent on these underhand tactics.

Given the cost of living crisis are you happy with Mr 'Yellow Scarf' Wrigley wasting your taxes in this manner?

Wouldn't you rather have your taxes spent wisely on more important things such as public services? Yet I see Lib Dem supportewrs naively thinking these Lib Dem Cllrs are addressing these and other issues.

In addition the taxpayer will have to foot the bill to the tune of £200K when the Queen Street Traders and Residents Association's legal challenge is successful/ and that is highly likely given the law firm who handled a similar case regarding Totnes town centre highlight four angles where the two Councils are at fault.

So yes, this is happening all the way over in Newton abbot and you may not think it'll effect you, but your Town, District and County Cllr Wrigley seems to have no issue with spending your cash as he chooses like a tinpot Dictator.

And come the general election later this year he'll be asking for your vote.

Do you really want this man as your next MP?




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