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General Discussion

20 Mar 2024 11:23

Climate change is a SCAM. The Earth has been around for billions of years, climate has always changed. But now in the minute time humans have been on Earth we've messed up the planet.

1) We only have 5 / 10 years before it is too late (since 1970s)
2) Sea levels haven't changed - claims that cities would be under water by 2000 (or earlier)
3) Banks still lend decades mortgages on seafront property because they know it is bullshit.
4) CO2 is a trace gas that is the gas of life / carbon cycle. Varies between 150ppm (recent dangerous low) to 1000s of ppm. No CO2 no life.
5) Used to be global warming until earth started cooling.
6) NASA constantly cool past temperature data to fudge the trend.
7) IPCC use misleading data (show recent rise but do not show much higher levels in the past).

2 Agrees
20 Mar 2024 13:53

And the pigs are all fed and ready to fly!

21 Mar 2024 08:47

If anyone has some actual evidence of humans causing climate change, please post it.

21 Mar 2024 12:24

And where did you get your 'expert' information?

Fakebook, Tik Tok or some conspiracist website?

1 Agree
21 Mar 2024 15:26

Newsweek article 1975, 'Global Cooling', then it changed to 'Global Warming', now it's 'Climate Change'. Simply haven't got a clue what they are talking about.

I've lived by the sea all my life, not seen any change in sea level.

Sandbanks Poole, still investing plenty of money -

Comparing atmospheric CO2 to ice core CO2 isn't sound, it's nonsense.

22 Mar 2024 10:49

IMG 8499

22 Mar 2024 10:54

If anyone has some actual evidence of humans causing climate change, please post it.

1 Agree
22 Mar 2024 17:43

You could lump the covid "vaccine" in with this scam.

1 Agree
23 Mar 2024 10:50

@burnside.......utter tosh assume you watch all the conspiracy channels on TV.

3 Agrees
23 Mar 2024 17:08


Unfortunately, I know only too well from personal experience about the illness and death the “vaccines” are causing.  Why do you think the much-heralded Oxford-AstraZeneca shot was very quietly withdrawn and is never mentioned now?  Because it caused blood clots and people were dying, that’s why.  The number of excess deaths in this country, and across the world, has skyrocketed in the last couple of years, do you think that’s a coincidence?  You need to open your eyes.


2 Agrees
23 Mar 2024 18:50

@burnside repeat utter many people have been saved with vaccines to fight covid but you mention astra zenecs without any emperical evidence then topped with skyrocketing deaths across the world..perhaps due to all countries NOT having vaccines.? So put up or shut up about how you know from personal experiences about ilness or deaths caused by astra zeneca vaccines...You remind me of the american blogger who said it was all lies about vaccinines who then died of covid.!!! Also the latest Kennedy clan member in the USA is also under ridiclule for spouting the  same garbage...


3 Agrees
23 Mar 2024 19:50

There's none so blind as those who will not see.

2 Agrees
26 Mar 2024 12:03

Former Greenpeace president of Canada, Dr. Patrick Moore: "If we actually achieved Net Zero, at least 50% of the population would die of hunger and disease."

Just shows how stupid the climate change nutters are.

1 Agree
27 Mar 2024 15:12

  1. Socioeconomic Collapse: Rapid and drastic measures to achieve carbon neutrality could trigger widespread socioeconomic disruptions, including mass unemployment, economic recession, and social unrest. Industries heavily reliant on fossil fuels, such as energy, transportation, and manufacturing, could collapse without adequate transition plans in place, leading to widespread poverty and inequality.
  2. Food and Water Shortages: Disruptions to global supply chains and agricultural systems could result in food and water shortages, exacerbating existing food insecurity and malnutrition. Decreased agricultural productivity due to extreme weather events, disrupted growing seasons, and changes in soil fertility could further strain food production systems, leading to famine and starvation in vulnerable regions.
  3. Humanitarian Crises: Climate-related disasters, such as floods, droughts, hurricanes, and wildfires, could become more frequent and severe, displacing millions of people and creating humanitarian crises on a global scale. Inadequate infrastructure, resources, and support systems could overwhelm governments and humanitarian organizations, leading to widespread suffering and loss of life.
  4. Health Impacts: Environmental degradation and climate change could exacerbate public health challenges, leading to increased rates of infectious diseases, respiratory illnesses, and mental health disorders. Air and water pollution, extreme heat events, and vector-borne diseases could pose significant threats to human health, particularly in vulnerable populations with limited access to healthcare and resources.
  5. Ecological Collapse: Abrupt changes in climate and ecosystems could lead to widespread ecological collapse, with irreversible loss of biodiversity, habitat destruction, and ecosystem degradation. Mass extinctions, collapse of food webs, and disruption of ecosystem services could have cascading effects on human well-being, exacerbating environmental and social challenges.
  6. Global Conflict: Competition for dwindling resources, including water, arable land, and energy, could escalate into conflicts and geopolitical tensions between nations. Resource scarcity, population displacement, and political instability could fuel regional conflicts and exacerbate existing geopolitical rivalries, leading to armed conflict, mass migrations, and refugee crises.
  7. Feedback Loops: Positive feedback loops, such as permafrost thawing and methane release, could accelerate climate change and environmental degradation beyond human control. Tipping points in Earth's systems, such as the collapse of major ice sheets or disruption of ocean circulation patterns, could lead to irreversible changes with catastrophic consequences for human civilization.

Overall, the worst-case scenario for the human population in relation to an expedited carbon-neutral global agenda underscores the importance of careful planning, collaboration, and mitigation strategies to minimize risks and ensure a smooth transition towards a sustainable and resilient future. It highlights the interconnected nature of environmental, social, and economic challenges and the need for holistic approaches to address them effectively.


Now let us await the historical whingers/bullies on this site vent their displeasure ha ha ha.


1 Agree
27 Mar 2024 19:13

There's an awful lot of coulds in that copy and paste job, what is the source?

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