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Cllr Wrigley issues warning about himself as General Election approaches




Cheap moral philosphizing from the man who wants to become our MP. The Leader of Teignbridge District Council which has regularly appeared in Private Eye's Rotten Borough. The man who offered his support to Cllr Gary Taylor and who failed to condemn his co-Cllr's violent misconduct in Council chambers. The man who continues to ignore residents and traders in Newton Abbot over the Queen St disaster which is completely anti-democratic and unethical - he will likeley face a legal challenge as he has not declared a clear conflict of interest being both the Leader of Teignbridge District Council and the Chair of HATOC for Devon County Council - where's the accountability?


Typical Lib Dems - and what has been done about Ed Davey and the Post Office Scandal?

His weird social media posts show just how deluded this man is and how distanced he is from the public he should be serving, in fact his social media posts are insulting.

He has some audacity preaching morality, it shows just how unsuitable he would be as a MP and how unfit he is to serve as a Town, District and County Councillor.

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