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General Discussion

24 Feb 2024 10:42

Latest Lib dem publication drops through letter box, lets examine it?

Quote " brought his family to live in dawlish" does he not now live in cockwood?

Talks about financial goverment mismanagement then  propodes £300/month for some mortgage holders???? This is the party that say they have no money to replace the bridge in the manor...

Labour not contesting newton abbot.....what a relevation as if they ever had a chance .

Nice wee graph showing lib dem v con votes across NA nobody is going to ask about how that was arrived at. Seems this martin is obsessed with Newton About  but claims to love Dawlish.

Teignmouth hospital - another photo opportunity to be grasped.

In essence as they say All politics are LOCAL but that does not seem to have registered with the lib dems.

Note: i have no alliegence to any political party but only vote for parties that are intent on working for Dawlish.


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Wrigley has started campaigning early.

He moved to Cockwood in the late 90s with his now ex-wife and rude children. He's originally from the Bath area or nowhere at all perhaps being from a Navy family which moved around a lot. At one point he wanted Cockwood to break away from Dawlish and create a separate Parish Council. Most likely to control planning in the village and prevent development there - thus ensuring elevated property values. This failed dismally as it did not have popular support, it was just hs personal vanity project/vision for the village, maybe shared by a few in a clique in the village. He's a marmite figure in Cockwood and it's definitely not a 50/50 split. That's the same story all over Teignbridge. Yet he knows he only requires a small section of support to be elected to Town, District and County Councils.

It's a very different story in the National Election.


Wrigley has mismanged the £ 9.2 Million Future High Street funding for Newton Abbot. His party also wasted over £30,000 in a sham investigation (some say smear campaign) against an opposition Councillor who highlighted systematic failings in how the Lib Dems run the District Council.


Wrigley is still peddling the lie that Labour isn't standing in the election. This has been in the local press, Labour have refuted this. Shameful behaviour.

The Lib dems have been reported to the Electoral Commission several times for misinformation.

Report it. I am. It really should be called out, investigated and stopped, as misleading the voting public negatively impacts upon the validity of electoral outcomes and our so-called democracy.


Labour were ahead of the Lib dems in the 2017 general election and not far behind them in 2019, both were way behind the Tories in both elections.

Election predictions have Labour around 1% behind the Tories this year in Newton Abbot Consituency- of which Dawlish, Teignmouth, Shaldon, Starcross, Bishopsteignton, Kingskerswell, Kingsteignton, Ipplepen are all part of.

The leaflet relates to this area known as Newton Abbot Constituency and the General Election happening this year.

There are no local elections until 2025 which are for Devon County Council.


Councillor conduct as detailed in the Nolan Principles is meaningless - the Lib Dems lack ethics and integrity and it becomes really apparant when they sniff an election.


Their leaflets smack of desparation as they know they're polling way behind the Tories and Labour, so they revert to shameful tactaics that Trump would easily recognize.


Lib Dem Focus leaflets and other propaganda are widely known to be full of misinformation, spin and designed to be misleading. This is always in the press and on watchdog websites.


The Teignmouth Hospital campaign - This is an area where Wrigley needs to get known in order to gain votes, it's as simple as that. He has also been in the Gazette painting the Teignmouth pedestrian underpass for the 4th? time with his co-Councillor Cox.

Had the Lib Dems not put the Tories in power in 2010 with the coalition we might not have had 14 years of Tory rule and we might not be facing the closure of local Hospitals. Those mainly pensioners who are campaigning likely voted Consrvative or possibly  Lib Dem in 2010 and ever since. Wrigley is just after/consolidating the elderly vote as he knows this demographic do turn up to vote

He's hardly bothered about Dawlish - in fact his Lib Dem District co-Councillor, Mayor Dawlish Rosie Dawson has sent a petition to Lib Dem run TDC (where she is also a Councillor) to get the Manor Park bridge sorted. Why she can't simply raise this for debate in a District Council meeting is beyond me?

They are both on the Town and District Council, in the same ruling lib dem party. In Town meetings they sit on a a stone's throw from the Manor Park bridge - Why hasn't a motion and vote happened between these Councillors before to resolve this issue? They're clearly inept.

If Dawson feels she has to petition a District Council that she is a member of, then it shows how that Council and it's Leader Wrigley does not listen to his colleagues. They're both Lib Dems too! It shows the disregard he and his Council show for Dawlish - including Dawson - she's just being reactive to popular outarge. Too little too late. A petition with 300 signatories also makes it look like Dawson is on the people's side (a people's saviour, it;s the same modus operandi Wrigley uses over Teignmouth Hospital and the sewage campaigning against SWW - Dawson's clearly ambitious. Maybe she wants to become our MP in the 2030 election? But the 300 need to ask why nothing was done earlier, Why the hell are Councillors petitioning their own party? If officers are not doing their job in TDC or DCC it should be sorted out behind closed doors.

They're all politicking. It's such a waste of time.

If ALL politics were truly local then national political parties WOULD NOT EXIST. If anyone believes this Lib Dem guff, they should reflect on whether they merit the right to vote.


Wrigley was an executive Member for Communities under then Leaders Hook and Connett in TDC between 2019 and 2023. Connett's administartion was found to have breached another Councillor's human rights. Wrigley was part of that as were the likes of Foden, Goodman-Bradbury, L and J Petherick who did not uphold democracy and standards - They're all part of the problem. They also gave their support for Cllr Gary Taylor (executive Member for Planning)  thus condoning his violent conduct toward an opposition Councilor. That Opposition Cllr was highlighting corruption in Planning; 'ghost objectors', defrauding the public. Clearly Taylor didn't like being scrutinized/exposed, They tried to silence these opposition voices.

The Lib Dem leadership under Davey ultimately did nothing about this, According to Opposition Councillos and former Lib Dem Councillors (who left over Taylor's lack of resignation for violent behaviour and Connetts' dreadful shandling of it all) Wrigley comcocted a story whereby  he claims the Opposition Cllr (Mullone of the SDA) was spitting as he spoke, thus spreading covid - which he claims Taylor was trying to stop as if it were some sort of public spirited duty! And despite the video footage not showing anything of the kind. Have a look on You Tube,  Wrigley icomes across as deluded, a fantasist.

Wrigley conveniently doesn't mention the Ombudsman's report and how the Lib Dem's breached human rights either. They have NOT implemented the Ombudsmans recommendations. Teignbridge under Wrigley is still a Rotten Borough, no doubt it will be back in the Private Eye very soon. It's a disgrace.

Wrigley is deluded if he thinks he and his party can ignore the views and concerns of traders and residents over the Queen Street disaster and that it will not impact on his chances of becoming MP. He's in denial - his political judgement, not to mention his people skills and is severely lacking. He lacks any empathy for traders who are anxious about their livelihoods and Newtonians who care about their town.


These leaflets prove he thinks the electorate are either stupid or not informed regarding how his party and the Tories are beasically wings of the same party in Teignbridge as they both push through projects like Queen St or the Alexandra Theatre that only benefit development corps and shareholders; NOT LOCAL PEOPLE.


There's no real difference between the main parties, they're all part of the establishment. Sunak is a Billionaire, Starmer and Davey are establishment stooges, Wrigley and Morris are just establishment shills at a lower level.

However, even despite Anne Marie Morris' awful attendance record and racist slur, Wrigley, in 9 months as Leader and less than 5 years in the ruling party has a worse record. He will likely be facing a legal challenge in the next week from traders in Newton Abbot concerning his arrogant attitude stance on Queen Street as District Leader and Chair of Highways and Traffic in County Council. Even Morris can't boast a record that abd and Labour can easily just put forward a candidate as the antidote to corruption in TDC overseen by Wrigley and his ilk - because they're not associated with it unlike Bullivant's Tories.


If you are a Lib Dem voter/supporter why not join the discussion? You're as silent as Tory voters who, as then PM May did, occasionally admit they are the 'nasty' party or at least privately know they're seen that way.

Or is the penny beginning to drop? Do Lib Dem voters see the local news in relation to Lib Dem run TDC and Wrigley and not care? Are they just interested in 'Winning Here' and their own individual concerns?



24 Feb 2024 19:50

Lib Dem's.

Don't expect too much from them on here as they are far too busy 'sitting on the fence'.

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I don't really expect any Lib Dem Councillors or voters/supporters to comment. But it is worthwhile bringing attention to the fact that won't ever engage in debate about their severley suspect administration in Teignbridge District Council and highlighting their many failings. Whether in Council Chambers where they deny opposition motions or with the public in person or online. There are so many people who don't know anything about Wrigley and the Lib Dems' awful record in local government and collaboration with the Tories. There are too many people who believe Lib Dem misinformation and believe that they are an alternative to the Tories, because they base their opinions on what little, biased information they read or watch in the mainstream media and the Lib Dems own propaganda like the Focus leaflets we've recently received through our letterboxes.

I know someone who voted Lib Dem, simply because their Leader Wrigley liked one of their Facebook posts. They knew nothing about the Lib Dems awful record in local government and failings highlighted by the Local Government Ombudsman last year or corruption highlighted by Private Eye. Maybe we do get the government and system we deserve,

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