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General Discussion

Stagecoach bus 'service' - public enquiry end of October

03 Oct 2022 06:38

I've put the word service in inverted commas as there are presently lots of complaints about Stagecoach's provision.

I had to wait 40 mins for a bus last week to get from Dawlish to Exeter (I assume a bus was cancelled). Coming back I noted that the 16.06 service leaving Exeter bus station for Newton Abbot via Dawlish and Teignmouth was cancelled. When buses are schedule to run only every 30 mins, one cancellation means an hourly service only and a long wait.

There is to be a public enquiry at the end of this month concerning the Stagecoach bus service provision throughout Devon. If you have any comments to make about the provision in Dawlish and surrounding area please send complaints to:  

Cllr Martin Wrigley at or if resident in Starcross or Exminster to Cllr Alan Connett at    

03 Oct 2022 10:18

Both too busy doing PR work regarding unused speed cameras and modular homes 

04 Oct 2022 15:04

Happened to be in Exminster this lunchtime. Thought at first that I was hallucinating. Then realised I wasn't. Two, yes two, number 2 buses travelling towards Newton Abbot were travelling through immediately one behind the other! Did both leave Exeter bus station at around the same time?!

I left Exminster in a car a little while later. One of the buses was whiling away time in a bus stop in Kenton, I then saw the other at the bus stop by Sainsbury's.  I'd say there was still less than 30 mins between each one though.  

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