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General Discussion

26 Jul 2022 13:25

It seems that the Devon council passed a vote to increase the salary of its new chief executive to 200k a year.This is the council that are seemingly £40 odd million in debt.The reason for the increase is the usual waffle about can't attach the right people on £175k/year.

Would love to know how the dawlish/Teignbridge councillors on Devon council voted on this one....


Crisis what crisis !!! it's only taxpayers money,.......

3 Agrees
26 Jul 2022 19:04

I don't know who voted for it and who didn't. However, as Devon County Council is Conservative controlled I imagine that most if not all of the Conservative councillors did.

"senior Liberal Democrat councillor Alan Connett, leader of the opposition until earlier this year, criticised the increase at last week’s full council meeting – calling it the “wrong thing to do”.

“As we all know, there is a cost-of-living crisis out there. My view is that the chief officer on £175,000 is probably quite well….able to cope with life,” he said.

However, most councillors voted for the rise despite several opposition members from the Lib Dems, Labour, Green Party and Independents voting against."



1 Agree
27 Jul 2022 10:13

This is an old chestnut that gets trotted out every time when they say that they have to pay these inordinate sums to get the best people for the job. Most of the time the people they get are only after the money, not interested in taking any responsibility and are not up to the job anyway.

2 Agrees
28 Jul 2022 16:17

@1263 -here is the list of Devon County Cllrs who voted against the pay rise.

(In accordance with Standing Order 32(4) Councillor’s Asvachin, Bailey, Bradford, Connett, Cox, Dewhirst, Gent, Hodgson, Leaver, Letch, Roome and Wrigley asked that their vote against Minute 34 of the Appointments, Remuneration and Chief Office Conduct Committee (21 July 2022) relating to the proposed salary of the permanent Chief Executive post be recorded. Councillor Brazil abstained from voting).

Cllrs Bradford, Connett, Cox, Dewhirst, Wrigley all represent areas within Teignbridge on Devon County Council.

Cllr Bradford is an Independent. Cllrs Connett, Cox, Dewhirst and Wrigley are all Lib Dems.    

28 Jul 2022 19:50

Another nugget to bear in mind when voting in the next local elections.

31 Jul 2022 12:23

Same old pigs at the trough mentality by the warped sense of worth many in higher management have about themselves even when everything around their little kingdoms is falling apart.

Usual over inflated packages for those who parasite of the back of those who can and do.


Nothing will change whilst those in power are not as accountable as the level us peaseants are held accountable in our daily lives.

1 Agree
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